I might try it. I play verdant catacombs to accelerate the deck by thinning it out to increase the probability of drawing the cards i want. They also let me play 2 lands in one turn which allows for ALOT of bloodghast fun! Personally i love fetchlands in most mono decks.
Thanks for the comment. And yeah, bloodthrone vamp is cheaper and imo better in this case as they are mainly there for the sacrifice effect :)
Good call on the surgical extraction. Especially if i pair it with inquisition or duress to get that card into the graveyard without letting them play it. Also decided to maindeck inquisition and duress and have QftGravelord sideboarded instead. I also looked at your vampire deck and reckon that we have similar weaknesses tbh. I also used to play feast of blood but it ended up just feeling like a filler card not really supporting this decks purpose. If i were you i would play 8 fetchlands instead of 6 for more aggro and take out 2 dark depths as that one can hardly be your wincon :)
Could be.. Your suggestion is main decking the sorceries from side board then? Also, doesn't the heavy instant deck thing apply to most other vampire decks? or am i missing something :)
As in removals? Generally white poses a problem for this deck but i sideboarded duress, inquisition and consuming vapors for those games. An early dark ritual+phyrexian arena accelerates the deck ALOT.