This is my actual Tribal deck for use in tournaments, and it's been changed a lot recently. I've had to adapt to deal with Cavern of Souls, which is why there are no counterspells in this deck.
Because of the recent changes, this deck may be unstable and thus ALL suggestions will be considered, no matter how random they may seem to be.
Card description:
Latchkey Faerie - 3 mana 3/1 with draw and evasion.
Metropolis Sprite - Tanky faerie with the ability to become a glass cannon like everything else. Probably one of my favorite fae in this entire deck.
Oona's Blackguard - Buffs your fae, and if your opponent can't kill it, it serves as a nice discard effect.
Oona's Prowler - It's no Latchkey, but it's cheaper.
Dismember - Spot removal. Good for pesky Elvish Archdruids.
Killing Wave - Board wipe. If you're losing, this card can help turn the tide. If you're losing badly, this card likely won't help at all. Remember to attack before casting.
Mizzium Skin - 1 mana "target fae is immune to Dismember/Abrupt Decay/Lightning Bolt this turn".
Peppersmoke - I cannot tell you the amount of times I've won games with this. Enemy Flame-Wreathed Phoenix? Pay tribute, block with a 4/2 faerie and Peppersmoke. You don't even lose card advantage!
Sleep - Used to buy time for Killing Wave.
Thieves' Fortune - 1 mana for a "pick-'n'-mix". 'nuff said.
Favorable Winds - Can you say "All creatures I control get +1/+1"?
Halimar Depths - Reorganize the top 3 cards of my library. Lets me better plan out my next few turns.
In-depth description:
This deck is designed to have the creatures be low-costed so you can save your mana for Mizzium Skin, Dismember and Peppersmoke.
Oona's Prowler and Latchkey Faerie are your main hitters, with Metropolis Sprite bringing up the rear.
Fighting one or two creatures at a time is a simple matter for this deck - The spot removal will handle it, and your chump Oona's Blackguard will handle anything else. Fighting weenie swarms can get very tough, since trading a faerie for a weenie is a real bad deal. Luckily, Killing Wave and Sleep have got your back.
On to the specifics, then:
The ideal game for this deck is to get Oona's Blackguard out on turn 2, following with Latchkey Faerie on turn 3. Turn 4 would be Sleep followed by dealing with the board on turn 5. This play would see your opponent suffer 11 damage by turn 5, allowing you to Killing Wave for 4 and do a very reasonable amount of damage, or see his field removed.
Specific combos:
Oona's Blackguard + Oona's Prowler, or any Faerie, for that matter.
Thieves' Fortune + Halimar Depths + Peppersmoke. UB combo that lets you choose two cards from a selection the size of your starting hand? Yes please.
Mizzium Skin + Metropolis Sprite. For UU, she can get an extra point of damage in. Seems like kind of a waste of a Mizzium, but if it wins you the game...
Eternal Thirst - I like this card. I really do. It's just too slow. By the time I get around to playing it, I've already dropped Killing Wave, and at that point it's just useless.
Ideal moves, IMO:
Turn 1 -
- Peppersmoke
Turn 2 -
- Oona's Blackguard
- Oona's Prowler
- Metropolis Sprite
Turn 3 -
- Latchkey Faerie
- Oona's Prowler + Thieves' Fortune or Mizzium Skin or Peppersmoke
- Oona's Blackguard + Thieves' Fortune or Mizzium Skin or Peppersmoke
- Metropolis Sprite + Thieves' Fortune or Mizzium Skin or Peppersmoke
- Dismember
Turn 4 -
- Latchkey Faerie + Thieves' Fortune or Mizzium Skin or Peppersmoke
- Favorable Winds
- Sleep
- Dismember
Turn 5 -
- Sleep
- Killing Wave
- Dismember