This looks like it can end the game really quickly if gets going but I would personally play 24 lands and add 4x Vines of Vastwood to protect your creatures from removal.
knight of cliffhaven, student of warfare, skywatcher adept, halimar wavewatch, corahelm commander. All among the best levelers imo.
unstable footing + earthquake in sideboard for kor firewalker.
no fetch lands? teetering peaks?
put in 4 bolts instead of flame slash. and you're going to want 4 of crumbling necropolis for sure and possible more dual lands. scalding tarn fetches blue and red. you have a bunch of options. If you're running those 3 colors you may as well be playing 4 sedraxis scepter's and maybe even a cruel ultimatium. sideboard = duress, deathmark, boom blade, essence scatter, negate, consuming vapors, pithing needle, you have a lot of options once again.
I'd take out the hackblades for 2 broodmate dragon and 2 siege-gang commander. Id also but Great Sable Stag in the sideboard, at least 2 of them.
You need an answer to Malakir Bloodwitch
Looks pretty good, I just don't like levelers at all and I like master and stag too much to not run them.