
67 Decks, 2,598 Comments, 630 Reputation

Yeah ... the only defense is creating an extraordinarily well-balanced deck.

Posted 25 April 2014 at 01:13 in reply to #456582 on Weird Wild Cyclops F(r)iend


Darn it ... here it is ... since Isocron Scepter casts copies, they are legal targets for Echomage! Which means ... during your opponent's turn, for 2 mana activate Isocron Scepter w/ Snap imprinted and then Echomage's copy ability with UU. Rid yourself of 3 pesky creatures. Then untap 6 lands. Then laugh manaically and spend that 6 mana right before your turn. The best part is that both Isochron Scepter and Echomage harass your enemy as you set up the combo, and still work well if one or the other is lost.

This combo is so ridiculous, Wizards nerfed it. Echomage's copies, along with ALL other spell-copies, were ruled to be not cast regardless of what the card said. This is most notable with Fork. The ONLY exception to this ruling were Isocron Scepter and Eye of the Storm. There are 2 main reasons:

This was done to prevent ridiculous buffs on Izzet creatures like Kiln Fiend.

The revised rules for Isocron Scepter (which are not on the card but overrule that text) state that the original spell is exiled, so the copy technically enters the battlefield from a zone that legally allows for casting. (eithet the hand or the exile zone). Spells are not considered cast from the library or graveyard, only put into play.

Use whichever definition which is nicer for you. My point is simply that Isocron Scepter is very potent and highly unique.

And no, I haven't read the entire comprehensive rulebook, just the 1st half! XD

Posted 25 April 2014 at 00:03 in reply to #457947 on Weird Wild Cyclops F(r)iend


Dude, I totally forgot about Snap! Thanks for reminding me! That's the evil combo with Isochron Scepter that I couldn't think of! Lol, infinite free Unsummon's ... that's what makes Jace jealous.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 23:33 in reply to #457947 on Weird Wild Cyclops F(r)iend



I have played white so long ... it took me a week to relearn my habits and play an Izzet deck. In fact, I learned to play from my Dad's White deck from way back before the term "block" was invented.

Incidentally, my username is a White Knight from the Unhinged block.

In fact, I the first multicolored decks I played were Azorious, Boros, Orhoz, and Selesnya ... which are all half-white, as my friend pointed out.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 20:48 in reply to #457924 on Budget Lifegain


NorthernWarlord, how many decks do you think you have commented on? I wager 600-700.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 20:39 in reply to #456926 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


You have come a long way with this deck. Good job!

Since you are not concerned with legality, Counterspell or Redirect might give headaches to your opponent, and more importantly they are fun to play. Nothing is cooler than throwing a massive monkey wrench into the best laid plans. Some Unsummon's would be welcome, since you really need a removal spell for a troublesome creature.

Also, consider balancing the lands to the mana occurrences.

Finally, I beg you to reconsider Isocron Scepter and Multicolored lands. The latter is especially useful; if you play multicolored decks, you'll find yourself using them often. Isocron may be a tad slow, but it can use the same spell over and over (you have a lot of 2 CMC spells), buffing your creatures, and it works well with multicolored spells.

Sorry, I'm just a little "White-washed". You know how White players consistently plan for longer games. Oh well.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 20:30 as a comment on Weird Wild Cyclops F(r)iend


Thanks, I'll check it out.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 20:10 in reply to #456342 on Budget Lifegain


Therefore, in the context of your deck, choose between creatures or pure lifegain. I.E., focus on building around Anjani's Pridemate and Sunbond, or Rhox Faithmender and Angelic Accord. I suggest Transcendent Master, Soulmender, Kithkin Knight, and Staff of the Sun Magus for the first focus. Sideboard Kor Firewalker and Fiendslayer Paladin for downright hiliarious shenanagins against red decks. If you prefer humiliating your opponent with Pacifism and winning by concession, bring along Pacifism XD. And arrest. For gaining life seriously consider White Sun's Zenith, Congregate, and keeping Rest for the Weary. And don't forget to bring Sunbond or Voracious Wurm.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 20:10 as a comment on Budget Lifegain


Um ... you should focus this deck further on one sub-concept of life gain. Repeated life gain works well with Anjani's Pridemate. Repeated lifegain comes from creatures with lifelink, and abilities that automatically generate life when spells are cast, like those from Staff of the Sun Magus and Kor Firewalker. Pump this into Angelic Accord. The second route is massive lifegain, generating so much health per turn that the enemy cannot kill you. Well, unless they have Infect or Boros tactics or Dimir mill or abilities that activate on damaging the opponent. You know, Cipher and Black shenanagins =). Yet another path is blocking freaking everything. Regen, indestructibility, shroud, hexproof, protection, etc. are good here. Green leads to beefy creatures, so it works well for this strategy. The final path involves directly translating lifegain into a win condition. Anjani Caller of the Pride, Anjani Goldmane ... or two other cards (Sorry, I can't remember their names): 1. Boros enchantment that turns life you gain into direct damage to the enemy. 2. White angel of CMC 4+ that lets you win the game if you have 40 life. Works well with Serra Ascendant.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 19:48 as a comment on Budget Lifegain


I like it! Solid budget foundation for Boros, which is nice since many Boros cards are so expensive.

Posted 18 April 2014 at 22:36 as a comment on Budget Decks: Standard Boros


Dude, Stoneforge Mystic makes artifacts to cast ... well, just equipment XD.

Posted 18 April 2014 at 22:31 in reply to #455987 on soldier equipment


Drat, got turned around. Thanks for correcting me.

Posted 18 April 2014 at 22:25 in reply to #456488 on Dumpster Baby!


Yay, Sorin gets to play!

Posted 18 April 2014 at 00:09 in reply to #456486 on Dumpster Baby!


I vote Elspeth, Knight-Errant! (She pumps out 3 1/1 tokens each turn as her +1 ability)

Posted 18 April 2014 at 00:08 in reply to #456488 on Dumpster Baby!


What about accorder paladin to make the deck cheaper and faster?

Posted 18 April 2014 at 00:08 in reply to #456456 on Dumpster Baby!


Sorin will provide you with plenty of Planeswalkers =). Aside from that, Elspeth, Knight-Errant seems a better fit than Garruk here. Maybe trade out 2 Lingering souls instead?

Posted 18 April 2014 at 00:06 in reply to #456455 on Dumpster Baby!


What, like Friday night Magic? Yes, but I would totally stick with Wurmcoil Engine. It's got tokens, deathtouch, lifelink, and stands up to most removal and board wipes. Also, rootborne defenses would be good to sideboard.

Finally, Sorin will provide you with Planeswalkers, if your opponent is kind enough to play some for you! XD.

Posted 18 April 2014 at 00:03 in reply to #456419 on Dumpster Baby!


Got it! Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted 17 April 2014 at 23:50 in reply to #456343 on Budget Decks: Knight of Might


Yeah, you have enough tokens.

Posted 17 April 2014 at 23:46 in reply to #456419 on Dumpster Baby!


Plaeswalkers are awesome in general. My favorite is Elspeth, Knight-Errant.

Posted 17 April 2014 at 23:43 in reply to #455999 on Budget Decks: Simic Hydras


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