Hey Northern! Would you be so kind as to make a Takeno, Samurai General commander deck? I know most samurai kinda suck, but they're pretty cool anyway.
Seriously, what is your problem? You've been told how many times now to stop commenting?
If I say no the first time, then why keep pressing the point?
Your's seems pretty good, a little to slow for my tastes, but powerful nonetheless.
Mutate him with darksteel
Argentum seems pretty good, I'll sideboard it. Thanks!
All enchantments do, yet you still play them
Mono-blue devotion and only one Master of Waves? No Thassa either for the aggro?
Hey Northy! Think you could make a commander deck for the new Anafenza (the spirit one)? Just pulled one and wanna see what a commander deck for it could look like. Thanks
I don't think $400 is really budget, but nice deck anyway.
Hey NorthernWarlord, I have a request for you. Think you could make a budget Sen Triplets deck? Could be High Roller if you can't get it at your normal budget.
Yeah, that would be awesome! I think it's a really fun deck
Here's one that looks pretty good, you could get basic lands from me and Caleb since this doesn't include them.http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/vish-kal-budget-edh/
You might be better off buying someone else's deck and then changing it over time, because it will probably be cheaper overall.
So thats why its so expensive, I hadn't noticed that, I just saw the price went up $10
Run it by Caleb before you buy it though, he knows more cards than I do.
Well, you have 3 oblivion rings. Besides that, looks good. I would say have 15 swamps and 11 plains instead of 13 each.
You need about 10 more spells and 17 more basic lands
No, because if a commander is exiled it still returns to the command zone. The only way to really disable a commander is to put it on the bottom of it's library, and you probably can't do that in your colors.
Never mind about the Ophiomancer. More cards: Fated Return, Jabari's Influence, Ritual of the Machine. These take your opponents creatures so you can sacrifice them to Vish Kal.
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