no phalanx leader in any three color deck, that kind would be best done as white with a red splash
The dawn charms and riot controls help enough against burn that unless I go up against creatureless burn, they probably won't kill me with it. You do make a good point about the proliferate though, so I added some thrummingbirds to help there.
Needs hidden strings. Hidden strings is easily the best heroic trigger in blue, especially when you are running evasion like the skyguard, aqueous, and gods willing. you may also want to consider bioshift as a replacement for the triton tactics. It gives you two triggers for one blue, but instead of being purely defensive, it can move the plentiful counters to where they are needed. It works best if you don't get your fabled hero out until later and need to get more onto it, but it is also good for doing things like getting that extra five damage through by moving away from your blocked creature, or buffing any creature in combat so that it lives through it.
Ideal game:t1: elvish mystict2: burning tree(s) and sylvan caryatid/mystict3: kalonian hydra (and burning tree)t4 xenagod, aspect on kalonian for 5-9 swing buffing the kalonian and hit for 22-30 trample with maybe a few burning trees.and that is without nykthos
drop: experiment one, flame wreathed phoenix, nessian wilds ravager, and domriadd: 2 polukranos, 2 sylvan caryatid, 3 kalonian hydra, 3 aspect of hydra, and 2 garrukswith this kind of deck, you want to be ramping into bomb after bomb after bomb. Garruk gives more card advantage than domri, while polukranos is a nasty creature while making up for the removal that domri has. sylvan caryatid is both excellent ramp and a solid blocker for aggro. the phoenix and ravager really don't add much to the deck, since the phoenix doesnt give you enough muscle and the ravager doesn't have trample. I really have no idea why you put experiment one in there. The kalonian hydra swings in for eight on turn 4-5, and the aspect gives you an inexpensive way to pump your creature excessively.
then find another powerful bomb that needs to be answered or you win and put in threeedit: but anyway, I have to go do something, ill be back in half an hour
lol. In that case, you should use either tromokratis or aetherling
Tromokratis would replace the master of waves, but i think you have the masters and they are significantly better
not good enough
Put on what?
no to hammer, only hits creatures, and sideboard to sands, but you wont use them often.Edit: anger of the gods might be better than the sands
ral is meh, steam vents are fine if you have themedit: might also want to put the searing blood in the sideboard and replace with shock if you are going up against aggro enough
If you are going to use the wurms, you will need more life gain since the likelihood of getting both a wurm and your predators rapport is not very high. I would add a pair of sheltering words to give you some resistance to removal while enabling the wurms. If you don't have the shamblesharks, the krasis are solid cards as well, especially if you don't have to go hunting for them. You should also check out renegade krasis for that spot as well.
I only have the 5 upkeep triggers, so i don't think it will do enough for me. You did remind me of rings of brighthearth though. and that i think will work well with coretapper, vorel and the hatcheries themselves.
Also, i forgot to mention, you don;t need that much land. For the deck that i mentioned, you should only have about 24 land and add things like more bioshifts, fathom mages, and maybe prime-speaker zeganna
The main thing i see with this deck is that the mana curve is too high. You aren't likely to get a creature that you would block with out until at least turn four, and by that point you would be too far gone to win. To fix that, I would take out the woodborn and kalonian behemoths and replace them with shambelshark. shambleshark is a solid card that has the power to discourage early attackers, while building up to remain a threat later in the game. next i would replace your ceratok and all three wurms with bramblewood paragon. the warrior ability is irrelevent, the important part is the ceratok ability on a cheaper creature. That should give you enough early game muscle to both survive and beginning to build up. In the midgame, you should be starting to beat them down with your slightly evolved creatures, while also ramping for your finisher. The draw that fathom mage gives you is excellent since it means that you can keep playing spells while growing a creature to beat with. Forced adaptation can go down on a bramblewood paragon, but if you have a fathom mage, save it until you get her out. You also will want to be ramping at this point to make sure your nimbus swimmers are as big as you can get them for the finisher. The ramp that beast synergises with this deck is Ordeal of Nylea. I would replace all of your sorceries with the ordeal because none of them do enough. the ordeal is again good on the fathom mage, but it is also a good idea to play it on the shamblesharks as they should already be a counter higher and closer to triggering the ordeal. As the game nears it's end, you should have three or four buffed up creatures with trample that should be enough to finish them quickly with maybe the help of your adaptive snapjaws, or nimbus swimmers.But then again, that is just one way to build a strong simic counters deck. if you want it to be more aggro, consider experiment one and cloudfin raptor, and if you want ti to be more combo heavy, go with zameck guildmage and ooze flux
When you have dovescape and guile out on the field at once, you can actually combo for infinite birds, making other counterspells essentially irrelevant at that point. Looking back at your deck I noticed that you only had the two guiles so the combo might not be the most suitable for this deck.other cards that might be worth looking into are lullmage mentor for synergy and momentum, trickbind or time stop to give you a wider variety of counters, and redirect to take advantage of any auras rather than just countering.
dovescape combos with guile
looking at the deck, it seems mostly solid but has a few notable flaws. Firstly the shorethief seems to just be in there as a one drop rogue, you may want to replace it with guul draz vampire, prickly boggart, or even merfolk spy if you want to keep the color. second, you don't seem to have enough creatures. You would likely want to replace notorious throng with a creature, since you won't ever be able to prowl and the normal effect doesn't do much more than simply playing another rogue. Noggin whack doesn't really get you to your win faster or more reliably, and is another good choice to remove for more creatures. Door of destinies, only coming out on turn four, won't really do you much since you will have already played out your hand by then. I recommend replacing those eight cards with four frogtosser bannerets, another oona's blackguard and three of either inkfathom infiltrators or latchkey faeries. The bannerets mean that you will play all of your evasive creatures fast, while the infiltrators are powerful unblockables for their cost and the latchkey faeries mean that you will see more cards per game. lastly, you should look at the colors, because right now, you need much more black than you need blue.
too many one drops for the warden to be useful. I recommend replacing the suntail hawks with welkin hawks to essentially give you more fodder
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