
7 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

shivan hellkite 1 damage for 2 mana
mordant dragon +1+0 for 2 mana
shivan dragon +1+0 for 1 mana
rakdos pit dragon +1+0 for 1 mana and flying for 2 mana

should i add some more +x+x counters or add some spells
to get my creatures fast out of the deck or from Graveyard to play ?

Posted 30 January 2012 at 12:27 as a comment on Dragons of Urborgthunder


i dont know how to select or, add or delete some of the bad cards out of my deck at home to make it multicoloured

I was not referring to the page

do you know good combos with
white blue ´and red `?
mind control -time reversal-shock-balllightnings or dragons
clone or something small to attack at the first , second or 3rd turn

Posted 30 January 2012 at 12:17 as a comment on Angelic Destiny


4 times in the deck to pull it in any case,
and attack with serra avatar ...... if it is possible
and yes its mono white but there are many high-value creatures ( Angels) in it
and i thought to add some blue or red cards like
-mind control
-time reversal
-balllightnings or dragons
but i dont know how to select or, add or delete some of the bad cards out of the deck
or in the deck to make it multicoloured
do you know good combos with
white blue or ( and ) red `?

Posted 29 January 2012 at 12:20 as a comment on Angelic Destiny
