Hey, first thx for u comment on my deck. I really like your deck too but i have a few questions. 1. does Delver of Secrets really works smoothly in ur deck, can u transform it often ? i also thought about it but i wasnt sure. 2. i really like predator ooze, do u need it often or play it often or is it just nice to have sometimes ?? and 3 would u plz have a look at my 2nd deck (mono withe enchantment), what do u think? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=358203 thx
Hey i like ur deck, plus i like equipments. but im just want to mention that in my opinion the Neuroc Invisimancer is wrong here because u cant use his effect, all ur other creatures are unblockable. Maybe http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewCard.aspx?CardName=%C3%86ther%20Figment&Edition=ZEN or http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=199621 are better choices. or u try to ad an artifact that makes ur creatures unblockable and get some https://www.magickartenmarkt.de/Cephalid_Constable_Tenth_Edition.c1p16236.prod . good luck!!