you could always try abundant growth, useful card
this deck has so much potential its unreal, how was it in test plays? if you anyone could check out my R/W standard it would much appreciated
i also believe my deck above could give it a run ;)
have you thought of sideboarding the caverns out for evolving wilds maybe, thins the deck and same odds of pulling, then you can sideboard if someone is playing counter? im guessing you probably want them to ensure you get the red mana though? any help would be appreciated on my R/W Standard
quick question are you planning on thought scouring yourself or your opponent, mental misstep is very strong for this as people ARE going too want to pillar of flame your delver, if you are thought scouring yourself you may want too consider rune chanters pike? also vapor snag instead instead of unsummon in your side board :) if you could help me out, would be great
hmm yeah you have a good point, sorry for the stupidly slow reply, i would stick with obliterator, as soon as people see it drop its a threat, you could always sideboard the lashwrithe if you feel your obliterators are getting hated on easily
welcome, and thanks
it looks pretty solid mate, restoration angel is also a solid card, helps you too bounce your fiend hunters incase they lay a bigger threat than one you have taken and its a good flash in blocker, check out my R/W standard
definately zealous conscript for a bomb just incase they try and smash you with something big, even if you just sideboard it, my deck is also R/W humans, check it out
there is also the smaller cards such as artful dodge, the 1 island, with flashback 1 island too make a creature unblockable, works brilliant with talrand as its 2 mana for two 2/2 drakes. if anyone could give me any feedback on my R/W standard it would be much appreciated
I really enjoy FNM, its just a great way too meet players who are local too you, standard is usually what is played but there all always booster drafts etc and its not many cards in your deck that are not standard legal. if anyone could give me any feedback on my R/W standard it would be much appreciated please
i believe thats mentor of the meek? he is brilliant for hand advantage
yeah thats the problem, erm in my opinion it would be 1 doomblade and 1 darksteel axe, admittedly it is good, but if youre getting the obliterator out turn 4 that is such a threat anyway and he doesnt really the need the axe as he is already such a bomb
dismemeber is also decent removal as youre playing the mono
looks solid, you could think of using lashwrithe until it goes out as your playing mono black
i love vampires, espcially nocturnus, waiting for ravnica for more vamps because i also want too use the buff too its full effect, also blademasters are good but they are so easily killed via gut shot etc and people will want too kill them considering 3 hits from them ends the game
im not sure if they have already been said but aswell as the miracles hunger of the howlpack is a really good buff, also restoration angels, bouncing your thragtusks is good as you get the 3/3 creature another 5 life and thragtusk back on the field
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