id suggest adding drumhunter its a small amount of mana plus its a great draw card for mayael style naya decks
you have two loreseeker stones in the deck
cranial plating cant be used in a non black edh deck because it has the black mana symbol on it other than that i like it
i dont know if it fits with yours cause im not sure you count the tribal spells but heres faries a rogue that does fit
golem skin gauntlents isnt that effective if you spread out your equipment which is why i didnt put it in in the first place as for the others i agree but no sunspear or signal pest their not humans this is a speciest deck
eh its a reference to the flavor text on a card not even in the deck
already have ephara
human heroic bant? calvary pegasus, hero of leana tower, phalanx leader, wingsteed rider?
no if a commander is sent to the command zone it never enters the graveyard
i dont know if its relevant to how youd play the deck but commanders sent back to the command zone when their destroyed dont activate death triggers
nykthos makes it hysterical on ramp for green, with a t1 stomping ground /mystict2 nykthos/ burning tree /fanatict3 mountain/ xenegos planes (+1 for 3 mana) , tap nykthos and your mystic and stomping ground for 5 green, tap you mountain for xenegod (creature), swing for 10 plus fanatic.t4 mountain/ burning tree, tap nykthos with two floating for 6 green, tap two red sources for stormbreath, with 4 foating, +1 xenegos for 6, play mistcutter for 9, swing for 19 with mustcutter
t1 mystict2 burning tree into sylvan and mystict3 xenegos planeswalker +1 for fanatic of xenegos (swing for 4 if he doesnt get tribute)t4 play xenagod (creature), +1 xenegos for nessian, (fight and kill whatever their biggest threat is) swing for 12 + 3t5 stormbreath, +1 xenegos, monsterous stormbreath, swing lethal in air for 14
I agree with the removing experiment, but there is only the 2 3drops, so in this case I think domri might have a better slot than garruk simply becase he can be played turn 2. Sylvan I agree with, Nessian was in as a removal for the fight attribute as an additional removal to domri, the pheonix has evasion and since no one will ever give it the counters for tribute, it will always come back to my hand for a second/third summoningt1 Elvish mystict2burning tree and domrit3 xenegas planeswalker +1, into fanatic of xenegas +1 domri for xenagod off the topt4 xenegod (as creature) +1 domri, +1 xenegas planeswalker for 4 mana play flamewreathed swing for 6 in the airt5 -7 domri, play stormbreath +1 xenegos planeswalker monsterous storm, xenegod stormbreath, swing for 14 with stormbreath, 5 with xenegod, 3 with flamewreath, (and...... double strike, trample and haste)thats without nykthos too.
red blue heroic burn? akroan crusader and young pyromancer? lol
hmm.... no clue?thoughts?can we put ramp in? if so how..... nykthos?
i have two aetherlingsbut no rampthat would take a bit
I dont have any of the mono blue deck that I had and I never pulled any mastersI did pull two kioras though. loland two xenagos gods, and two mogis's
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