Vexing Devil, is a great turn one, and goes well with Varols.
I am cutting all those spells, except fastbond, adding more land and treasurr hunt.
I would like some goblin sharpshooters...
Mystical tutor is a great fetch for miracle cards...
Harabaz druid... cut some colors out.
I am aware that there are decks that can fire off hard on turn one. However, the proba ility is commonly a lesser. He is upset, because I used a broken banned card. I think channell is a great card, for those who do not wish to spend lots of cash. I am also aware that Path to exile, can seriously fuck up ninety percent of my creatures, leaving me low on life. This deck is just for fun. I was incapable of detecting, how serious people were going to get about the name. I built the de k as a joke, ot cost me two whole dollars, for the channels, that made my booster box of eldrazi, interesting on a comical level. Chaos is correct, it is a joke. I only argued with him, because he was whining like a mule in heat. My next deck will be called turn zero scoop,it will be filled with expensive cards and no mana to play them.
Sniff sniff... What were you saying, I was doing a line of coke off the Master Transmuter's etherium ass.
I use to have a similar deck. Due to Sovereigns ability, Eldrazi Conscription, is not to expensive.
Well Chaos, I am unaware of anyone who plays 40 card decks. Indeed, there is legality issues with Channel, for a card that flips for under a buck, I am thoroughly satisfied.
If anything is legal, might I suggest Channel.