If your looking for new ideas you should check out the primer over on tapped out. Scrolling to the bottom you can also see people posting new brews with Oath cards.http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/first-in-the-world-modern-ally-primer/
As for what to cut, think about what you'd like to see every game in multiples and what you'd hate to see in multiples. I imagine every game you'll love to see 4 bolts, paths, and helixes, but what about angel songs and boros charms? If you hand ends up looking like this (http://imgur.com/PShJseB) your going to have a bad time.
I also recommend you run a couple Grim Lavamancers. Your graveyard is going to fill up pretty fast with all these bolts, helixes, probes and songs running around. Grim does an amazing job as a 1 mana board controller and is great for helping finish off creatures out of bolt rang. Your also going to find allot of games your hand is flooded with burn spell. Quite a few of games I've played bolts and helixes end up going face because combo is either not happening or they've gotten low enough that it's another win condition. Lavamancer also helps with this.
Oh! Also, your going to be running into some problems getting three mana some games. Nothings worse then having your kiki combo set up and then drawing planes. It doesn't happen that much, but often enough to justify running 8 ( even 9 if you sidebaord or main board Grim lavamancer) fetch lands. Replacing a couple of plains with Windswept Heaths and mountains with Wooded Foothills goes a long way to getting your mana fixed, and worse case scenario you end up just fetching a basic and thinning. These are also the cheapest fetches right now so I highly recommend.
Hmm... Not sure. The version I run is allot more creature heavy and focuses on creating pressure while having the threat of combo, as opposed to full out combo like this list. I do like Probe though as the information is invaluable and you do need to see if the coast is clear before committing. I'm going to link you to my list, as it might at least give you some idea's for sideboard. Personally think that cards like Anger of the Gods and Blood Moon are a must, as they take advantage of the simple mana base and the fact that your creatures survive the three damage. http://www.mtgvault.com/kingicey/decks/boros-twin/
Like the angel song concept. Should see if you can fit in some Wall of Omens as it really helps you dig in these colors, not to mention the very good synergy with resto angel.
Battlefield forges are actually working pretty great in the deck now, might try adding in war name war-names main board now, but finding room is tricky.
I've been finding that the temples really do slow me down, but the only other solution i could find was adding more mana confluences (which, btw, hurts like hell!) I'll have to play-test a bit more, but I may try for less 1 drops and go for the solid two drops ( war name instead of tormented)I'll have to playtest some more, but for now i think if i keep the 11 one drops temples will have to be replaced