I do! thank you very much for taking the time to evaluate this idea. I definitely got a lot out of all of your suggestions, and gained the ability to let go of the planeswalkers. In the back of my mind, They felt out of place, but I was just too stubborn to let them go. D: Many more ideas to try and proxy now! Thanks again!
yeah, I felt I would end up leaning towards the token idea, which isn't bad, obviously. Dragon Mantle was only there because I felt the card draw was pretty good and it popped heroic, but after actually playing the proxy of the deck, it just wasn't as impactful as I thought it could be. That is more than likely going to be replaced for something with a bit more potential. But for that, I'm going to have to delve time into and just figure out what options there are. The coordinated assault is actually looking mighty nice in mantle's place.Now this is why I like asking strangers. I didn't even know about vanguard of brimaz's existence. A nice two drop and the ability to throw target instants and enchantments on with a bonus effect of another token. My friend plays Akroan crusader in his red aggro, and it did have some good impact early, but he also runs more instants and enchantments to pop that token effect. Gonna probably spend most of the night doing some good ol' researching.Also, what do you think about godsend? after playing the deck a bit, there just wasn't any time for me to make any use of it whenever i got the card. I mean, I was getting pushed into a corner by turn 5/6 cause of all the aggro, but having to summon cost AND then equip cost just seems a bit much.Also, gotta say i like the no planeswalker idea. Saves quite a bit of money for me. :DEDIT: Also, for a strive spell, the first thing that pops into my head would be launch the fleet. With all of these tokens being thrown down, should i try and fit in a purphoros, god of the forge?
Pretty much moved my full explanation and everything to "http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/boros-ds-token_post-rotation/", which is why none of this is filled out. Sadly, after playing some proxy games with friends, I feel this deck isn't very overwhelming and needs a huge overhaul. The plan was to take advantage of the double strike on flamespeaker and fabled hero, while having two powerful token droppers in rabblemaster and brimaz. Spear of heliod was there to enhance the tokens, while creatures with double strike got +2/+1. Titan's strength would bring a +6/+1 to the double strikers for a turn, and godsend would add that a +6/+3 stat boost indefinitely. Not sure about the planeswalkers. I pretty much filled my head with justifications of each one that are probably self explanatory, and tossed them in there. I went with God's willing, Titan's strength, and dragon mantle because they are all effective in their own right, while simply adding to the potential of activating fabled hero's Heroic.But yeah, as I said, I do not think it's gonna work out. At least towards aggro decks, which is what most of my friends run, and a lot of the competition out there. There is just no potential until turn 3. and by then, i was getting fairly overwhelmed by the aggros. I did take games off of them with amazing titan's strength and prophetic flamespeaker combos ( attached 3 titan's strength on flamespeaker for the 20 hit K.O.), but that is obviously a one in a thousand chance. I'm still fairly new to the game, and wanted to throw something different out there. I saw someone doing something similar, but with a much more red heavy version. Throwing together my own version is pretty much what happened. If you have any tips for feel there is some sort of potential here with some tweaks, I am all ears. I KNOW i do not have enough knowledge of the game, so I was hoping some strangers could potentially help me out. :D
Sorry, that was just a random placement for Sarkhan, the dragonspeaker because he isnt on the site yet. Sacred foundry is also placement for wind scarred crag. havent really finished this page yet. Also, i know i dont have any 1 or 2 drops which is why im looking for any suggestions you may have. :D