The wincon is using false cure with multiple copies of skyshroud cutter, invigorate, and revert Silence Using their alternate cost
Just cards I have laying around at the the moment. But I would like to try it out sometime some and update and Turn it into something else
Hey thanks for the ideas with bant I will definitely try it out for sure but I don’t think marit lage‘s slumber will staying in. I want to try isocron scepter in its place just to be more annoying
Haven’t made the side yet
If you want to use a good one drop you should think about using Cosi's Trickster. In the modern format there are a lot of shuffle affects in just about every deck and before you know it your little 1/1 just became a 2/2/ or much more all on its own. You would be surprised how many time opponent over look this card.
No my life is ruined. Thanks will update the list
What do you purpose should be in its place? I need something to combat humans. Maybe Hibernation in its place?
Hey buddy I've been thinking about you a lot.... Man do I miss the late nights where you Matt and myself would hangout and play cards all night. Those were some good times I still have a hard time believing that its been over 2 years thank you for being you brother RIP
Awesome i just started watching loading ready run like binge watching and was curious what the worst cube would be anyway what about goblin pyromancer lol
also this was my first deck i built when i started playing magic the gathering except i used living death and buried alive in it.
the last time i played this in a tournament was before grisalbrand and emerakel came out but i tweaked so i could use it in legacy tournaments. but now no place in vermont does them
Well black and red doesn't really have a answer to control other then hand disruption that's why thoughtseize is in there and maybe put some more hand disruption in the side by i haven't really figured out what to put in there kind of at a standstill.
So how would Stony Silence against something like Ensnaring Bridge???
I think I will cut Abrupt Decays and add Beast Within. Also keep Verdant Catatomb in becasue it helps with better drawing
So one other thing is I dont know if the right number of Nykthos is 3 or 2 becuase it seems Archdruid is like the same thing
Thanks for the tips I'm a first time pilot for Elves when it comes to modern. im also new to modern in general I play legacy mostly and I try to keep two different decks going in each format like in Legacy I play Reanimater and Goblins. In modern I was playing Merfolk and Delver but i was hosed by Elves and didn't realize they were a thing in modern so my two Decks for modern will be Merfolk and Elves.
i've played with all to dust and im really not turnedd on by it i would just use o-stones
I like your style of BUG Delver just one question why dont you use remands and if you could take a look at my Bug Delver deck and tell me what you think.
i like the firespout
ok i will try that
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