I like it a lot. However I feel like the 4x Doorkeepers are underwhelming in effect. You don't have enough creatures to get more than 2 consistently on the ability, and you even have to tap the defender creature. Have you considered something like Hedron Crab instead?Also I think a single copy of Mnemonic Betrayal could be fun.
I've just made a similar deck, where I have splashed blue. So far I have won most of my Arena matches - would guess its around 7-3.Check it out, cheers! https://www.mtgvault.com/kibernizzle/decks/turn-4-is-lit/
24 lands are also too many for my liking for a low manacost deck. Bring it down to 22-23.
I really like this idea and its very similar to a deck I've been working on recently. Have you considered splashing some color? I feel that a 8 creature base is very low, so I would probably splash either blue for Mist-cloaked Herald, Curious obsession and Aether Tunnel - or splash white for Danitha, Swiftblade Vindicator or Sky Terror. Perhaps even consider using Sigiled Sword of Valeron for further creature creation.
Civic saber is certainly on my maybe-list now! The deck used to contain Steel of the godhead, but I just didn't feel like it added enough value - somehow. And the shield I don't know, and can't find it anywhere...?
I am very attached to the idea yes. I know it might not be the best idea, but think it's kinda fun. :)
Cool idea I guess. But it kinda breaks the whole "Maximum of 2 of a single card in a deck" when you have 8x Shadowborn Apostle?
I really enjoy the thought of this deck. Thank you! I took inspiration from yours and made a deck not so dependent on enchantments.https://www.mtgvault.com/kibernizzle/decks/5c-guildblade/
I enjoy the thought put in to this.
Creatures such as Cephalid Looter and Cephalid Broker also does the job really well in my experience.
I really like this idea. If you could somehow add a couple of Fling that would be awesome.
Seems fun. Have you actually tried it out?
I think you should replace the 3x Pounce with 3x Savage stomp. It's simply better in the dino deck.
I agree with the above comment - also I personally prefer Goblin War Strike over Goblin bombardment, especially considering Krenkos involvement as the alternative win option. Where is the Goblin Piledriver? That guy is a beast. Mogg Sentry is a great defensive addition. And Eldrazi monument is just pure late game evil combined with a huge Krenko army.
Yeah exactly. It seemed like a great deck, so I thought I would save it to maybe give it a shot. You play it just like this, or have you made any changes?
I see. I really like those, but adding vampiric fury would change this deck from standard to modern. Thanks for the idea though!
Great ideas. Thank you!
Those would be great additions, thanks! I just joined this site today and wanted to add my last budget standard deck - now a modern deck. Been away for quite some time so haven't yet had the oppertunity to really transform it into a modern deck.