Earthcraft along with Squirrel Nest you can produce any amount of tokens you want. Very nice!
Good elf deck but keep in mind if you have to declare how many times you use the abilities or else the opponent can call a draw because of infinite loop.
Any idea on how to speed up? My thought is green with rampant growths and harrow.
This looks dangerous. lol. I hate mill decks and this is a prime example of my fears of them. Good idea!
This looks extremely fun. You might wanna try Voracious or Predator Dragon for a big hit instead of Broodmother to pump out tokens.
Add Mycosynth Golem for more affinity stuff.
Blood Tribute and Sanguine Bond combo is one shot cause a friend of mine used it in a tourny yesterday.
I like it cause I like zombies.
I like the idea and gave me a great combo idea for my elf deck.
Ehh like my elf deck. If I can get a good hand and draw for two turns then I can have 100+ elves third turn.
Be tough to be with creatures because of the vigilance, haste, first and second strike. The enchantment is cool but four maybe too much. Don't see why you have the hedge-mages. They seem like a side deck card too me.
This looks like soooo much fun in a multiplayer game. Im tempted to buy it now.
You can cut down on the amount of forest you have by including Heritage Druids and give you quite a bit of mana just from the tokens you don't use to attack with.