kami of the waning moon, yukora the prisoner, ball lightning I know i know this isn't a spirit but it fits your deck perfectly. I'm having a hard time finding spirits that are good. You might just want to focous on a different race. Don't worry about your oppenents deck. Focus on your own. With a slay deck its diversed enough to handle alot of different types of deck from control to creature. Well keep me posted i'm curious how this deck will turn out. Look at my time control deck Too!!!
Ok here are some spirits i've found you might want to look at. If you were going with alot of direct damage i would go with alot of creatures with haste. Kill their creatures with the burn at the end of their turn and then bam hit them with a creature with haste. If you play against a counter deck make them tap out when you burn them on their turn then bam hit them with a haste creature. This is more of a slay deck than a spirit deck though...well its up to you. Akuta Born of Ash , nether spirit
Ran out of space so continuing :p. On your sorceries, if you are trying to do direct damage I would stick with cheap instants like incinerate, lightning bolt, and shock. If you were trying to go for creature control instead I would load your deck with dark banishing, terror, and diabolic eddict instead of those enchantments you had. you can put a little bit of both in there . Please don't misunderstand i'm not bashing just giving you my insight. I wish you the best of luck. Hope this helps
Well I'm really confused at exactly what you are trying to do with this deck. You have too many creatures and spells doing random things and they are not working together. Well since you are making a spirit deck I would suggest getting rid of every creature that is either not a spirit or doesn't have an ability that helps spirits out. When you are picking out your sorceries..you need to ask yourself what is the theme of my deck and how will this contribute to that theme.
Over all I really like your deck. To make it a little faster i would get rid of llanowar reborn and put in llanowar druid. For two mana you practicly double the amount of mana you have. A little mean combo i use in my green beat down is lanowar druid and pattern of rebirth. With those cards you can have two rox out third turn or a rox and some really big mean creature. ^^ Also you might want to look into might of oaks.Making rox a 12/12 would always be fun. PS. Thx for the comments on my deck