The tomb is just for flavor, that's why theres only one.
OK thanks!
I've never tried any cascade decks yet, but it seems good now. i know that black has the best cascade spells (other then bloodbraid elf) so search there. May I ask why so much global removels? I'll say maelstorm pulse instead of Incendiary Command.
Well, do you want to keep it standard? if not, Glimpse the Unthinkable is the card for you. in both ways, since you'll tap your merfolk a lot, Murkfiend Liege is great because it gives you an extra time to tap, and you can also block! Speaking of defence, I've heard that Judge of Currents is a must-have, but he is white. if you'll to go white, you can try Summon the School for more merfolk, and Holy day effects for frustrating your opponents while keeping you alive. If you'll want white, try Arcane Sanctum and some vivid lands.
"for a deck as simple as this I would stick with basic lands for the most part." True, but I need a lot of red mana for Boldwyr Intimidator and Flamekin Brawler. But Forest aren't so bad for casual games (the deck is not a competitive one anyway) but a +2 power for brawlers is pretty good. "you wouldn't want to use lands that come into play tapped" I don't have a single CIPT land here. "you will need more forests" I have 9 green mana sources, and no green card with more then one Green in it's mana cost. I think it's a fine number. Thanks for your comments, a lot!
I like this deck a lot. But what Inkfathom Infiltrator is doing here? try more Hissing Iguanars (my favorite card from alara BTW). What about Dragon Broodmother? nothing spits out tokens faster then him (notice it says each upkeep and not your upkeep). and I personally like Scarland Thrinax over Nantuko Husk, but it's up to you.
Murkfiend Liege. Dormant Sliver. there both really good here. remove some oona because she is legendary and can be a dead card most of the time.