Oh well that all depends. For the 1st one if u have all the right cards in ur hand ( 2 druids 1 oyster 1 umbrela 1 armor 2 islands 1 forest) turn 3 or 4 i guess. Grim poppet combo is hard without etleast one drood and 1 armor, and the last one turn 3 i guess, if u have 1 druid.. Until u get those elf tokens out, or simply some other of those creatures to block with.
How will u be able to play anything with 4 lands? The chanse of u drawing them all in ur start hand are way to small.. unleas i missed something?
U dont got Jace!! How dare you not bring Jace into this deck? :<
Kevin Lee, casual mtg player :P
You got the same problem i do, to few creatures and the things u have to counter / block small things are expensive mana wise. Try adding Grimorie thief - a 2/2 for 2 mana who is a good miller / 1/1 blocker / counterspeller :P
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