torpor orb is for splinter twin decks because deceiver exarch's effect is activated when he enters the battlefield... So, maybe sideboard torpor orb? Put in lands in place of those. Should I do duress instead of inquisition of kozilek? I was going to have vampire hexmage in my sideboard to help with those pesky planeswalkers. Also, it's not that I don't want obliterator. It's just he is $25 right now... and 4x is half my paycheck for the week. I think phyrexian obliterator is the coolest card in the block... just everyone else does too haha
Thank you for the mana concern - I hate getting mana screwed- but this deck actually works extremely well with this mana composition. And I usually throw the sword on my bird ;) so squadron hawk is redundant IMO... I need help with the sideboard. Control decks wreck me. Also, It may have only 16 land but 12 of of them give me 12 one drops (I'm counting joraga) that can give me mana. I have never been mana screwed (save for the occasional no mana or drawing a single plains). Late game if I draw a 1 drop I sac it with my fauna shaman for a baneslayer or something. Thanks for the advice, but I'm really looking for sideboard cards to keep me from getting wrecked by a control deck. As for the whole playset thing, I was thinking about ditching the cudgel troll for another thrun, and getting rid of the baloth for another primeval... when I get around to spending another $60 on 2 cards... I'm currently looking for something to replace my greater basilisks, any ideas? You know what, another razorverge thicket couldn't hurt and I'll throw in a final baneslayer. That should solve things! Do you have any ideas on my sideboard to counter a MBC deck (other than autumn's veil). Thank you again for the help!