i like this idea u have, it seems like it would work very nice. just for kicks, check out Intruder Alarm. i know its blue but it would make an ability to produce infinite tokens quickly. basically everytime u tap pyromancer or sparkmage to deal damage to your creature, u get a creature on the field that triggers intruder alarm and u untap all creatures and the process starts all over again. its a very nice card. good luck
i can see you going with the red/white mix but just to throw it out, look at Melira Sylvok Outcast. it takes care of infect pretty well. just a thought :)
+3 mark of asylum -1 earthquake -1 lightning bolt -1 flame slash find it works alot better.
thank you for the comment first off, the deck really only cost my like 18 dollars give or take a few cents from trollandtoad.com, they have really good prices and find they are in stock pretty good. now to the deck, the creatures i have are really not for attacking but just getting there attack up throught playing spells then casting fling on them to deal direct damage, and of course quest for pure flame doubles that damgage when saked. Ark trail is a good suggestion. Assault strobe is only for when i don't draw a fling and they are wide open. Fire ball is great when im worried about there creatures but im only looking to hit the player so basically 1 mana for 1 damage is not what im looking for, need more damage for less mana, but like i said its a great card for more than 2 player games. again thanks for the comment and suggestion.
It's really fun, build up a good defense, boost there defense even more with shield-bearers and drop a earthquake for good damage, their creatures gone while yours still in play. Then finish them off with vent sentinel. I noticed u like burn decks by the way, I have one if u would like o check it out. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=203797
thank you very much for the advice. ive changed it up a bit and will more later to add a sideboard. again thanks
thanks, yeah i was trying for something around a 3rd or 4th turn win, i'll try the livewire soon. again thanks