I agree that the scrying is very good but with that manabase you're getting all the drawbacks of playing better cards without actually playing the better cards.
The off color scry lands seem out of place, isn't the main advantage to going U/W over Esper the ability to play fewer tapped lands? It seems to me if you want to play that many scry lands it would be better to go three color to have access to the more powerful black cards like Hero's Downfall, Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Thoughtseize and Devour Flesh. ( Link to my Esper build here http://www.mtgvault.com/kel/decks/esper-control-7/ )
Temple Garden.
I'd recommend going up to three Cliques and four Restos, that way you can play the control role while still deploying threats. I understand the need for a strong beater like Tarmogoyf, but I think Geist might be equally as good if not better in this build with all the ways you have to push him through, not to mention it's a lot safer to tap out for him and play him on curve. Maybe try Vapor Snag over Bant Charm, three CMC removal seems pretty slow in a format as fast as modern. The green seems very out of place to me and I'm not sure either of those walkers are strong enough to make the cut in modern.
I neither said it was a bad card or said it wasn't played in Modern. I did say that it is a one of in the decks I could think of that play it. I'm just trying to make the statement that decks can be amazing that are designed around one for ones, not pick a fight with the E Wit fanclub.
Eternal Witness is only played as a one of in any deck I can think of that plays it, where as removal and countermagic, cards that are designed specifically as one for ones, are almost always played in multiples. I'm not saying recursion is bad by any means, just that trading one for one is a perfectly viable strategy especially if your opponent doesn't have a way to generate card advantage.
One of the most consistent and long lived strategies in magic is completely based on trading cards one for one, control. Incidentally control is one of the only strategies that has good matchups across the board and is universally playable and successful in pretty much any constructed environment.
Your creature count seems way too low for Domri Rade to be worth the slots. Also, you should consider Chained to the Rocks as removal you can get with Ajani. If you want Godsend to be the centerpiece of the deck you should absolutely replace the Sylvan Caryatids with Elvish Mystics as they can actually accelerate you into Godsend and your other three drops as well as actually pick up a Godsend and bash with it.
Oblivion Ring your Near-Death Experience, cast Worldfire, Win.