I'm not a fan of either candidate, but this is funny... Well played.
all Critiques welcomed
But yea get rid of Tormented Hero. He does nothing in this deck. see about maybe getting one more obelisk of Urd in there.
Consider Timely Hordemate, Disowned Ancestor or Herald of Anafenza instead of Tormented Hero. Tormented hero ability is not being utilized. You only have 1 element that would activate his ability, Gods willing, which means in most cases he'll be sitting there like a bump on a log just being used as a chump blocker. In this deck, if it were me, I either put in Herald of Anafenza which produces warrior tokens, Disowned Ancestor that can be an early blocker and turns where you're not doing anything can pump him for counters.
I'm not crazy about the morph mechanic so I wouldn't really be of help here
thanks, i wonder of it'll work the way i expect it to.
Yea, My nature always trying to be cautious and avoid agro though this deck should be agro. Everything in my side board will probably do just that. thanks for the suggestion and will do.
Ooooo, Yes! Thank you Bloos artist and and The Skirsdag are definites. Mentor I may have to think on cause like you said intangible may mess that up. But thanks a lot!!
not adding basic until mechanics is figured out.......
Trying to make a Human token deck using BW. Any suggestions so far?
Hmm Good suggestion only got one through but yea going to use that. Thanks
I'm trying to keep things standard, however some really good suggestions regarding coat of arms. Also Simic Charm would be good as well, proabably may need to consider alpha authority in place for shielding plax. Thanks for the insight.
Need to figure out Would oak innkeeper be good for this deck as sideboard
When I don't have proper dual lands I very often Get color screwed evolving wilds and similar cards like it help me balance for a mana check.
No other black/white dual lands or shock lands. Using what I got.
....Captain jack.....Really
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