
557 Decks, 151 Comments, 35 Reputation

hermit druid and worldly tutor are banned in legacy

Posted 03 November 2018 at 20:20 as a comment on Legacy Turn 2 Kill!


Oh, it just occurred to me, what about Liliana of the veil? You might even benefit from changing the creature package to include more zombies in order to play gravecrawler (great to discard to lilly), but that would shift the deck toward the aggressive side of things.

Posted 28 October 2018 at 19:25 in reply to #619096 on Mono-Black Devotion


I would recommend more of the best creatures in your deck: Obliterator and Garry. 3 of each seems better than 2. The line of t1 discard, t2 creature, t3 messenger, t4 Obliterator, t5 Garry is insanely good, and I would aim to pull this off as often as possible.

One last suggestion: move the collectives to the SB and play 2 fatal push/dismember MB. As others have suggested, running a playset of fetches would help turn on push, and the thinning is helpful. Collective is fanstastic in certain matchups, but your deck doesn't synergize with the discard (aside from the whip, which is little too cute in the first place). You want to be as mana efficient as possible, so adding more 3 drops or more 1 drops (to double spell with a 2 drop) seems like a good place to start.

Posted 28 October 2018 at 19:21 as a comment on Mono-Black Devotion


There's a stigma against counterspells in edh (which shouldn't exist), but this deck could really use 4-6 . You're playing mono blue, and blue's biggest upsides are draw and counters (the reason it is debatably the best color in edh). You have plenty of draw, but you don't have ways of interacting with the stack, which means you can't really interact with noncreature spells. I would recommend swan song, counterspell, arcane denial, disdainful stroke, disallow, and forbid. There are plenty more depending on your budget (force of will, cryptic command, mana drain, pact of negation, mystic confluence). One last suggestion: you have ways of bouncing creatures, but tempo isn't the best way to win in edh. You need permanent answers, counterspells, but also creature removal. Your best options are reality shift, pongify, rapid hybridization, and curse of swine. Even if you leave your opponent with a few tokens, these can be bounced and permanently dealt with later (and for the most part, they're too small to matter compared to the creatures you're killing).

Otherwise the deck looks sweet!

Posted 28 October 2018 at 19:06 as a comment on Wizardmonicon EDH


Really cool deck! I would recommend lowering your mountain count, playing the full 4 stomping grounds, and playing maybe 1-3 blood moon in side for certain matchups. Maybe an additional verdant or windswept might be nice (since fetches are great for resetting top card). Also might want a split between crucible and ramunap. Ramunap can attack, but it's also more vulnerable to main deck disruption game 1. I know this is a combo build, but have you considered some number of lightning bolt as removal? At the very least, you can always send it upstairs, and it only costs R (it shouldn't disrupt the chain). Faithless looting is fine for finding the combo, but the hand sculpting doesn't really matter once you've dropped experimental. This is kind of a strange idea, but what about running some number of commune with the gods to find experimental, Azusa, etc. ? You could even run 1 courser of kruphix as a pseudo-experimental. Azusa seems important to this deck, maybe you want 3?

Hope some of these ideas are helpful/worth consideration.

Posted 28 October 2018 at 18:21 as a comment on Modern Frenzy


I'll test it out and see how it does, thanks for the suggestion

Posted 27 October 2018 at 22:02 in reply to #619082 on Muldrotha the Mindslaver


In my experience Dream Halls is too risky. I generally avoid symmetrically beneficial cards (I've made an exception for horn of greed b/c it's an important engine and I can play more lands than my opponents). Idk, maybe i'm underestimating how good Dream Halls would be. I like that it allows me to cast my 6mana commander for free, but it also doesn't help with ulamog, emrakul, or mindslaver. I tend to generate a lot of mana in this deck through land ramp, and I don't know that I'd need that effect. What would you consider cutting for it?

Posted 27 October 2018 at 19:43 in reply to #619082 on Muldrotha the Mindslaver


Play splendid reclamation. Destroy your own lands just for the sake of it doesn’t win games. For budgetary reasons I understand not branching into black for gitrog or running Titania, but there needs to be some greater incentive. Maybe even a few delve creatures like hooting mandrills that operate on a low land count and full graveyard.

Posted 20 September 2018 at 21:09 as a comment on The Balloon of Doom


proteus staff is a turn slower, which is not ideal. We want polymorph as a surprise wincon G1. The package usually comes out for game 2, depending on the matchup. In all scenarios, playing a token spell on turn 3 is vital if we want to polymorph turn 4 and swing emrakul on turn 5.

Posted 08 March 2018 at 14:43 in reply to #612784 on BWu Polymorph


Manamorphose x4 and your combo goes nearly infinite.

Posted 10 December 2017 at 21:00 as a comment on Izzet Spell Clone


Hey, glad my comment helped. A useful resource for refining this deck might be a tribal flames zoo deck. The game plan is similar, but you get reach out of tribal flames, larger bodies out of tarmo, and the best-ofs from every color (black hand disruption, red burn, white removal, etc.).

For a comboish version of this deck, you might consider boros charm alongside battle rage. It's generally a better top deck for the deal 4 mode. Combining that with lightning bolt and tribal flames means that you can win without creatures when it counts (imagine a stalled board against ensnaring bridge).

I like that you're running delve creatures, but maybe add more if you want to go this route. Hooting mandrils is kind of interesting with boros charm, as it already has trample. Of course, if you add tarmo, you want to preserve your graveyard, and too many delve creatures is anti-synergy.

As for the SB, I would check out a Jund DS deck.

If you want to go really deep on instants and sorceries, try kiln fiend. It + DS might warrant a 1 or 2 of stubborn denial main board. You absolutely need ways of protecting your threat mainboard, and having a spell that simultaneously buffs your creatures seems good. So...apostle's blessing?

Not super experienced building this kind of deck, but hopefully these points help.

Posted 04 October 2017 at 18:19 as a comment on Zooicide


I really like the idea of adding white, but I have a few suggestion to depthen the main board and sb for the current meta. 1. Rest In Peace in board (3-4): this card is insane, and I can see siding out souls, stalker, and RC in matchups where it's good. It can single handedly win games against storm, living end, grishoalbrand, gifts, etc. 2. Stony silence in board (1-2): affinity is a faster deck and quite dominant atm. Disenchant is good against them, but silence is crippling. 3. Mirran crusader in board or main (2-4): this card embarrasses death's shadow, Boltless jund, and abzan. The protection allows for a defensive plan as you whittle away their life, and it can switch to offense when you need the final 4 damage. 4. Damnation over BR in board (2): there are enough creature decks to warrant 2 board wipes in side, and your mostly creatureless deck is unaffected. Damnation is better than bontu's imo, missing a turn isn't great. 5. Path to exile main and board (2-4): I would split 2 path, 2 push main and stick more copies in board as a hedge against DS, eldrazi, and grixis control. 6. Surgical extraction in main (1-2): this is a controversial move, but with the upsurge in combo (gift storm, UR as foretold), surgical becomes incredibly playable, and synergizes well with your majority discard spells. In your deck, it does a good impression of cabal therapy... plenty of 1 for 2s to be had, plenty of easily disrupted turn two plays (t1 thoughtseize, surgical).

Hope this has been a useful comment. Good luck with the deck!

Posted 27 September 2017 at 19:19 as a comment on Hate rack

Permalink if you want it to be modern legal

Posted 22 August 2017 at 19:07 in reply to #604621 on The Ultimate Deckbuild Challen


just search it when infinite w/ green sun. Only purpose for the card

Posted 22 August 2017 at 18:55 in reply to #604622 on Nearly Landless BairnMantle



Posted 22 August 2017 at 18:23 as a comment on The Ultimate Deckbuild Challen


Spirits is virtually the same deck, perhaps better. UW spirits is somewhat inferior unless it runs two mana counter magic. Bant spirits plays noble to enable a crucial turn two spell queller. Spirits has the advantage of getting to run mutavault and cavern of souls. It really comes down to preference. I like spell stutter sprite and faerie miscreant from my experience in pauper, squadron hawk too. This is kind of a nostalgic port from pauper to modern.

On the topic of Clique, yes, I think it could certainly have a place here. The best targets for clique are combo pieces, and I can imagine playing it in board for those match ups might work. I'll try it out and let you know how it goes!

Posted 02 August 2017 at 23:48 in reply to #603816 on UW Favorable Odds, Modern


Manamorphose + izzet guildmage + training grounds = infinite draw

Posted 14 July 2017 at 16:03 as a comment on training grounds storm


I would maybe relegate last reckoning to the board in favor of collective brutality. Discard and removal is excellent in this deck. How do you feel about adding Lilly? (5cmc). She's good on her own against control (grixis bolas is going to be big) and helps as another reanimator, cheaper to cast than god pharoah's

Posted 11 July 2017 at 12:31 in reply to #602802 on God-Pharaoh's Gearhulks


I would up the creature count or decrease the number of gifts you're playing. Archfiend of ifnir is great in this deck as a card that can be binned early, reanimated late, and it turns late draws of tormeting or cathartic into removal. Also increases the decks cmc for gearhulk. Maybe drop to three god pharoah's gift and try liliana as a 1 or 2 of? Another card you might consider is Olivia, mobilized for war. She's another three mana play, something your deck is lacking, she bins creatures to give haste to a reanimated creature, she's great with godpharoah and on her own a good threat. You might also consider a 1-2 of collective brutality for the discard clause. If you increase the number of discard spells you're running, you could play some number of fiery tempers (also solves the problem of turn 3 plays). Lastly, key to the city can be nice as a 1 or two of in place of tormenting voice, as it ultimately provides better utility. Really like gift, need to find space for 1 or 2 in my reanimator list.

Posted 11 July 2017 at 10:03 as a comment on God-Pharaoh's Gearhulks


Just read sand strangler, adding two, dropping manticore to 1.

Posted 10 July 2017 at 18:55 in reply to #602775 on Big Red, Budget Standard


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