
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

in my opinion, probably one of the best green early game creatures. :)

Posted 02 June 2014 at 07:58 in reply to #469301 on Budget Decks: Nest of Insects


Scute mob is awesome. As is the flavor text.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 05:33 in reply to #469301 on Budget Decks: Nest of Insects


yeah... that does NOT get around it. :) any time a land is tapped for mana, regardless of whether it is being used right away or not, all other lands that produce the same kind of mana that land CAN produce become tapped. oh, and you count each land tapping as a separate act. you can't tap all of them at the same time. so sadly, as cool as that sounds... your friend doesn't know what they are talking about.

Also, if they tapped all their land and put the mana in their mana pool it would go away as soon as the next step in their turn started. each phase of a turn empties the entire mana pool before it starts. so it wouldn't really work anyways unless they were playing all of the cards at once.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 04:38 in reply to #469242 on Douchebag Black Lockdown


well that's true. playing against black is pretty tough for this deck. which I think can be worked around with the right sideboard cards.

But other than that, if they don't have an alternate way to get mana, if they aren't running black... then they CAN'T play cards at all. :) which makes it a pretty gnarly combo/control deck. cheap, effective, and fairly fast as well.

I have a lock deck that can usually work a turn faster than this, and color isn't an issue... but it is way more expensive than this. way to go. :)

Edit: Sideboard card in question, to deal with black: Mana Web.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 03:24 in reply to #469242 on Douchebag Black Lockdown


distress is good. oo, also, mire's toll might not be too bad in here either, considering the amount of swamps you will have.
also, I really like the combo with ophiomancer and contamination. very nice there. :)

Posted 02 June 2014 at 02:17 in reply to #469242 on Douchebag Black Lockdown


sweet. :) that sounds pretty good.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 02:00 in reply to #468966 on Snakes=Clever Deck Name


hm... not sure. perhaps zephids embrace? although I have never played with that card so I don't know if it is good or not. so you might want to take that advice with a grain of salt.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 02:00 in reply to #469293 on Unblockable Blue


hmm... you might consider something like Lantern of Insight. it lets you see the top card of you opponents library at all times, and you can sac it and make them shuffle their deck as a last ditch effort to keep good cards out of their hand. you could also be a jerk and run gitaxian probe. which IS blue, but can be played with 2 life instead of U, since it is phyrexian mana. I shall keep thinking about other cards to fit that particular role though.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 01:43 in reply to #469242 on Douchebag Black Lockdown


Well, if all your creatures didnt already have unblockable, then I would say that you should run deepchannel mentor in here. :) but it isn't needed. however, I think that perhaps that with the several instants that you have, runechanters pike might not be a bad idea.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 01:35 as a comment on Unblockable Blue


well, as good as it looks, the question is how much mana are you really going to be able to pump into it? If you don't think it will be more than... 4 then I would say to take it out and put in something else. However, if you think that its usefulness outweighs the fact that it limits the deck to eternal formats, (example: you can consistently and safely pump 10 mana into it.) then keep it.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 01:30 in reply to #468966 on Snakes=Clever Deck Name


yeah... I shall look at them. :) been busy the past few days.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 01:22 in reply to #468747 on wandering one drops


I think that iron maiden is better. and the rack does damage based on your opponent having a small number of cards in hand, not a large number of cards.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 00:40 in reply to #468747 on wandering one drops


tough call. I like both. I like the owl because it is cheaper manawise, but I like iron maiden because it does exactly the same thing as black vise, just for 3 mana instead of 1. personally I would go with iron maiden for consistent damage, because the owl ONLY does damage to them if they have 7 or more cards in hand, which means that if they can get out even 1 card, even just a land, they stop taking damage.

Posted 02 June 2014 at 00:29 in reply to #469242 on Douchebag Black Lockdown


The rack and black vise are exact opposites. and as such they actually compliment each other very well. :)

Black vise does damage based on how many cards you have over 4, whereas The Rack does damage based on how many cards you have fewer than 3. :)

Depending on which version of the card you are looking at the wording can be very confusing... :( which is why wording on cards is super important.

so, with The Rack, you want your opponent to have very many cards. so it can be a very good discard support card.

With black vise, the MORE cards you opponent has, the more damage it does. :) so it is an excellent card for control and lock decks.

Hope that makes more sense. :)

Posted 02 June 2014 at 00:06 in reply to #469242 on Douchebag Black Lockdown


you were thinking of cards like the rack or that black enchantment. :)

Posted 01 June 2014 at 23:41 in reply to #468747 on wandering one drops


not sure why you aren't running black vise in here. it would be great I think. :) also I would swap nights whisper for Sign In Blood. it is BB to play instead of 1B, but in an all black deck it really doesn't matter. oh, it can also target other players as well as yourself, thus filling their already unplayable hand even more. :)

Posted 01 June 2014 at 23:28 as a comment on Douchebag Black Lockdown


black vise does punish people for having lots of cards in their hand. I am confused.

Posted 01 June 2014 at 23:23 in reply to #468747 on wandering one drops


I still think that pariah would be a good addition. :) or shield of the pariah perhaps. (pariah's shield? cant remember which one it is.)

Posted 01 June 2014 at 16:51 in reply to #468661 on Budget Decks: Doll goes BOOM


broken isn't silly. :) it is awesome. :)

Posted 01 June 2014 at 00:56 in reply to #468141 on Knife


Let me look at some good copycat cards. And I will get back to you. I personally wouldn't run anything too complicated. Simple is almost always better.

Posted 31 May 2014 at 20:25 in reply to #468957 on Biovisionary


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