Thanks Guy XD
Hey thanks man! I am going to try the deck with razorverge at fnm and see how it works first. Also would harrow be a good replacement for khalni heart?
Its a Walker Deck.. The point is to have alot
Its for Knight of the White Orchid, it's in alot of decks running him.
lol, i know.
The goal is to control my opponent with enchantments like Sanctity and Island Sanctuary whilst building up counters on ula's temple by controling my draw, then playing huge leviathan's to win. I haven't been able to test it yet but i will soon.
Thanks to all of you for giving me such positive feedback, its all greatly appreciated : D
The only reason I don't have elspeth or ajani in is because i don't have thme :P, I will be getting ajani's for sure but can't afford elspeth haha. I actually have an extended version of this in my decks too, with kinsbaile and all that fun stuff. Also, do you think maybe a white producing borderpost could be good in here, to fuel White orchid? I will definitely take your suggestions into account and try them all out :D. Thanks for the rating!
This Deck isn't even legal to the rules, you can't have 8 lightning bolts!
I also suggest Searing Blaze, fantastic for killing creatures and hitting the player at the same time.
Some cards I would really suggest would be Kiln Fiend( gets an attack buff whenever you burn your opponent) and for sure, Pyromancer's Ascension(Lets all your past burn spells hit again practically).
No shit, I know its an Eld Tribal, I was just saying I hate when people are cocky enough to say their decks are better than everyone else's. I didn't even say anything about this deck itself... Nice Fail Blade.
You seem really really cocky about all of your decks, no one likes a douche that says everyone elses decks are bad and yours are good, keep cocky opinions to yourself lol.
You should consider throwing Ancient Ziggurat in the deck to speed it up, it really is a must have in alot of 5 color decks.
Nice man, pretty damn cool deck, seems like it would be quite efficient.
Another card that would be good in here, especially for wolf token creation would be Wolfbriar Elemental.
You do realize there is only one vampire right? Also you have cards that cant even be played(Lord of Extinction). Lastly everything costs way to me, by the time you get anything out you will be almost dead.
You do realize that this deck is lacking in uhh, lands....right? Also, theres way to many spells as it is without lands, try and narrow the deck down to the most prominent control cards and add lands.