yeah so far its pretty nasty
infect overrun as a back up plan
the high cost are a far endgame by the time you need to cast them you would of killed your regular run of the mill opponent 22 works especially with desperate rit and guild mage with lava spike.
you could add in journey to nowhere for a control and its a 2 drop
meh it could be a usefull back up strat incase of mana flooding
you tutor for the guild mage or for the mind crank then use them in tandem with any of the other cards and you win
i posted it cause im thinking of tinkering with it lol i want to format it to my own play style
please comment
well done on your improvement
there ya go man good job and nice deck
lol nerd rage its a funny thing jk jk but seriously guy he has a point 1/1s are just way to easy to handle and tokens of the same kind are easy to get around like echoing truth will kill any of your tokens or and field control and your opponents not crying trust me you add in rootborn defenses it cost 3 and makes your creatures indestructible and you populate so you get another token from what i under stand of some one correct me if i'm wrong or add in something like elvish champion give them +1+1 and forest walk or be cheap and add in elvish arch druid and get a shit ton of manna for them infinite elf tokens also he gives elves +1+1 so its something to think about but then again it is your deck so ultimately it is your choice
or in response he rootborn defenses lol then populates more tokkens and his elves are indistructible lol
lol nice and very well done
if you want a working five color angel you need maelstrom archangel for it
lol 4 down size bub or else you will lose by default unless your playing in the free form format but then you need to cut 35 cards from your deck
thank you lol i thought they do well to gether too
white red blue there are a lot of good red white angels
like psychic strike
how about now lol
thank you lol
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