ive put some counters like absorb in the deck and put some overrules in the sideboard. i also added feldon's cane and diminishing return for an anti mill effect. any more suggestions???
i think most of you have overlooked the remands and the warth of gods...
does it say that in the rules??
i was wondering while making my other sliver deck, do tokens count as creatures?
But have you ever thought of gaining so much life that there is no way for the opponent to win and they have to scoop ( give up) just like how Gabriel Nassif beat Tiago Chan in the 2006 Worlds. Ifyou haven't seen it, save to your desktop here, http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=sideboard/webcastarchive (semis prt 1, World Championship 2006)
pretty nice, but i think (emphasis on think) you should ad maybe one creature or something that can do up to somewhere around 5 damage at once because your creatures are pretty vulnerable without the enchantments, which you probably should have a little more of by the way. But overall, you got a great idea.
thats actually a pretty good idea. i never thought of using how many cards the opponent has as a way to deal damage. thnx a bunch