Looking for some outside help on this one. Runs well as is but still advice would be nice. No Green haste cards that i know of; dont want to add burn spells to be honest but ive considered that already. If you have some advice toss it my way. thanks in advance.
Great deck. Toss in a couple Hamletback Goliath.
nice deck id throw in some Dragon arches and/or some pipers other thatn that seems like it works well. Im going to have to get my hands on some wild pairs myslef now. I also have a Dragon legend deck feel free to comment on it.
First let me say I hate the scepter with a passion. Nasty Deck glad your not my friend so i dont have to play it. Friend of mine has a scepter deck also, i wouldnt be able to play against 2 of them.
Rhys the exiled doesnt require the swamp its just a nice combo for the long games, attack with Rhys if he is killed tap the swamp sac a token, No matter how many elvs i have at the time thats free life.
Already been said but Doubling season. Worship would be a decent addition, in my opinion. Darien, King of Kjeldor makes a decent amount of babies depending on your life total, but with Worship out is a pretty nasty combo. Take a look at Benalish Commnader and Stormfront Riders you may consider them useful. Take a look to my remarks from the decks of mine you commented on, i explained a few things.
Strat behind this deck is as bloodcot said Niv+Ophidian Eye, if i get niv out then i know ill alrdy have an Eye. Gushes are strictly there to help the combo if needed. Tomorrow is there to accelerate me getting to the combo more quickly, once i have it pop an unsummon.
As for all the single copies, I collect legends and more over dragons in general, I built this deck just to use my dragons, not all of course but the ones i enjoy. If i had a play set for all of them then Id have a HUGE deck; if I just used a specific one or two then I'd have a theme deck which was not the goal. 18 lands seems small but add the 3 birds, 4 llanowar, 1tree, 1 fyndhorn that makes 27, not to mention the 3 pipers and 4 arches. If I'm landlock then a Vow can be used. With upwelling out then I dont need to much land. The deck is built for quick power, its either going to work or its not, even up against my elf deck that is submitted it holds its own. Its built to overrun quick. Not built for a long complex game but with the combos it has in it and the outright power it will still stand strong. The vows are in there for protection/mana, mainly protection and has saved my life more times that i can remember. I'll rebuild when I get more dragons. thanks for the input.
not much room for all the cards that damage yourself in a burn deck.I'd replace them with cards that may prolong the fight a bit more to help you win