i thought u were asking to see what edh deck i use.
you mean ramp spells? cuz it looks like you have enough land.This is a list of cards that you could consider taking out- these are all MAYBEz, but of course don't have to:Kami of Ancient Law/Keening Apparition-* [im guessing WGB is limited with spirit creatures. otherwise this one can go, and anything else i mark with *]Kami of Old Stone*Ghost-Lit Redeemer *Promised Kannushi*Bone Splinters [replace with mass removal?]Chain of Smog [everything can kill itself- or dredge you don't need this maybe.]Lantern Kami*if i think of more ill type more later. XD hope this helps
i looked up the ruling just to make sure, and biorhythm is banned. just so you know. otherwise it looks pretty scary. good job. its got revive, its got ramp, search, removal, its got a theme, its got synergy. yep. XD
yes you can have extort, my bad. and yea it just needs more stuff.
done. even though she is not the most sexy.XD
yah ill add slave
LOL marilyn manson! LOL WTF XDIT DOES!!!!! :{
OH, and also i need help deciding how it would/if possible, win..... XD
WELL atleast i tried? LOL That's why it says help. I want to see if any one else will help complete this challenge, it is a challenge, is it not? XD
wow. this deck is basically luminarch ascension win. nice. of course its not finished yet, but i like the idea. just needs some removal of some kind, or protection against removal maybe.
i guess im a turtle. XD
ok thanks that makes sense, more gates and life.
looks like a really mean EDH deck. blowing shiz up everyturn. nice. oh and i dont think a mono white EDH deck can have extort abilities in it. you could add- adarkar Valkerie, Aegis of honor, angelic renewal, faiths reward, austere command, and i dont have time to put more.
oh alright, it makes sense though, prolly replace it with something else, thank you for your input
you have 2 wreath of geists if you didnt already know that, and you cant have anything with white in it if your general is borborgymos. so you cant have growing ranks, or plains or door to nothingness, ect and ect. chances are you arent done building it yet, if this is the case, disregard everything i just said. lol. dont mean to be a deckbuild nazi. :)put your general in your sideboard and have the deck be a 99 card deck, thats how most people do it since your deckname isnt clear as to who the general is.also i dont think you should use luminescent rain, or might of alara. at best you will only gain 10 life if you have most of your humans out. and might of alara is good if your deck has 5 colors. yours is supposed to be a 2 color, even tho you have RG-W.also i say take out pillar of flame, snare the skies, and or furious resistance for better mass removal spells like fireball, or savage twister or blasphemous act if you can afford it. razortip whip can be replaced with something or just another artifact that taps for mana to combo with you card that gains life for all the tapped crap you have.over all its not a bad deck. i just think you could do without the one time instant buff spells for more late game changers that you will need, and fix it to EDH guidelines. otherwise it is a great starting EDH deck. good job.
i didnt put glimpse the unthinkable in because i didnt want to run very many straight up mill cards.i use memory sluice only because I can combo that with faces of the past to go nuts on people, and i use paranoid delusions because i can use that with combat tricks to gradually punish people, the [X] mana mill cards i use for late game after they have done something to deserve getting milled. [political way of saying "F" you for attacking me. so there goes half your deck in response.]i think the whole deck is very response oriented. and has alot of defensive mill, with big mill spells for punishment and the ability to recast them from my grave [via Toshiro or sins of the past or spelltwine] to end someone or punish another person.
Somberwald dryad is interesting but more of a side board card. i don't think you will know for a fact that you are fighting an opposing green deck. everything else looks pretty solid to me. Alpha authority and the hydra would be nasty.
nice one dude
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