well... Lone missionary = CMC2 Wurmcoil engine = CMC6 wonder what is better turn 2 drop... Also This deck worked best as it was, almost always in the finale on tournaments so it cannot be that bad
This deck is more or less... very booring... and there isn't any competition on the first place... Also this deck alone forced WotC to create the maximum of 4 copies of a same name card So this deck truly is a classic and it deserves it's place in MtG Hall of Fame due the reason that it's the only deck that changed the whole deck building system and forced to modify the rules... Blame this deck for the maximum 4 copies rule :P
like i said... the finding of the 20 lotuses is easy, the problem is the prize tag of $10K EACH... there goes budget... thou it is a deck that people paly only once against
I don't know what to think... your deck will fall with just 2-3 counters and a day of judgment... like yeah i have 2000 24/24 kor soldiers -> DoJ = none left, but opponent has frost titan, wurmcoil engine's babys etcetc...
How sounds staff of domination?? infinite... well what ever you want also i'd put emrakul or two in just for the fuck up... maybe two for infinite turns... just 'cos you can fuck with people and no one wants to play with you ever again but just ideas... look into 'em also nissa + chosens + eldrasi monument are nice things (invincible gogol+1/gogol+1 flying omnath what has indistructable, just look into some of these random sweet cards :D also you'd get avrage gameplay and these all fit for your color CHECK LIST: 1. Staff of Domination 2. Nissa Revane (Nissa's chosen) 3. Eldrazi Monument 4. Emrakul, Aeons Torn After you have looked these, do as you please but I'd say it's worth a while to look 'em. Happytimes buildin ; P
lol at your 65 card deck, and also I lol at your 1 and 2 in deck cards. Also I think you have WAY too low ammount on lands 22/65 is about 30% and usually it should be ATLEAST 35%-40% of the complete deck so probability you'll get any fancy big creatures out is kinda low. Example: today I was playing with my deck and it has 25 lands and one game i drew in 20 turns 3... and i had shufled a LOT of it ... so please put efford on land balance before the big fry
I like the idea, but since this deck is way slow, it really needs control in it. No one would want to get their contagion engine blown up by naturalize?? so few funny counters in and kill spells would do the trick
Well this was my ORIGINAL deck I made this when i started magic and Zendikar was just out, so they weren't out at that time otherwise they sertainly would be there
what would i do with a tap land that gives OOH 2 life and isn't even a plains? Kinda useless, your begining game is to get Emeria active to gain immortality.
Only question is what to do with this redicilous ammount of life? i build a deck what is more interested in the gain part than the actual ammount. It did 2-2 in T2 tournaments and it played more around sun titans and emeria the sky ruin with lone missionary what is awsome creature for 2 mana also include 4 survival cache 'cos it's basically 2 cards with one card and you get ajani's pridemate bigger meanwhile you cast 1 mana 6/6 fliers what have lifelink and also i ask go and look at True Conviction, that card is sick if you get it out
I think this one would work nicely in casual or probably extended too... but seriously hilarious idea... try o get rid of me... where's your god now
dunno you guys but i'd say this deck sucks... i'm sorry it's beyond sucking it's even worse
haven't been in yet but in emperor it works like a charm :D you get the free time of 5-8 turns and people just drops when it's out :D but basically you don't have any problems in emperor but i guess in tournaments... this is crap
I'd say that looks fine but I have thought build compleatly new type infect using Bladed Pinions = flying + first strike = criple them first
OK there is few problems: first you don't want to have 4 myr reservoirs 2 is fine max 3 second you don't want to use splinter twin at all third you don't want to have 4 battlespheres 3 is more than enough forth you don't want to have 4 semblance anvil use 2 instead what you want is 4 tempered steels and 3 true convictions 4 lightning bolts and revoke existence and probably shatters also forget terramorphics use arid mesas much faster and you need speed up the deck after this try it several times and also, build a sideboard i can kill this deck easily with a pile of commons orwith a deck without any attackers. hope i helped at all
black is too slow for infect and corpse = too much mana , i've win before i have the 4 mana on the field so nope
huomaa et se o läppä pakka, tarttis vaa eldrazi loordit ni sit alkais tykittää ^^ tai jotai yht mautonta
noo ei se mun mono valkosta voita tai mun uutta defender infectii :D
oon ollu poros pelaamas ja vedin T2 viime tiistain 2-1 ja ois menny 3-0 mut feilasin aika pahasti
http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=86191 i'd say mine is better, in prize it's cheap and in game so much small thing to block so infect = like i care only mimic vat UB control is difficoult
21-40 of 64 items