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I would take of the Avacynian Priests, for sure... maybe even the lawkeepers, and possibly the hero (since the soldiers it makes aren't human so it's really just a spare creature) and replace them with something better suited to the mechanic. A few things that come to mind are...

Village Canibals - Every time you sac a human, you'd get two effects for the price of one, making him a sort of second Champion Of The Parish.

Skirsdag High Priest - It's a human, and with all the sacrificing you'll be doing, hitting morbid will be no problem.

Doomed Traveler - As I said with Canibals... two effects for one. Sack him to the demon, you not only get the demon not hurting you, but also turn your traveler into a flier (and even better if you also have the canibals), plus it's a one drop which you don't really have any of.

Elder Cathar - Same as above.

Loyal Cathar - You can sacrifice him WITHOUT losing a creature.

Posted 23 January 2012 at 19:39 as a comment on Preemptive Dark Ascension Human Sacrifice
