you have nissa revane and no nissa's chosen...hmm
for some reason I was expecting Gerrard Capashen
you shouldn't knock a deck for being all color. I personally have a great all color deck. I think they are fun to play with. It takes a good deal of strategy to make them work, but that is part of the fun I think.
word of caution: if you face a pestilence deck, your eldrazi spawn are dead, so consider side-decking some dissenchants or naturalizes.
if I could say 1 thing, it's that you should consider 3 terra eternals.
if your going to make an indestructible land deck, commit to it. you have 12 land-turned-creature enchants. get something to give your enchants shroud, add in a novablast wurm to take out the opponents creatures, and add in some of the worldwake man-lands. you may have to add another color, but it would be worth it. and take out some burn cards. my friend is making an indestructible land deck now... when he's done, I'll post it and let you know how it does.