
41 Decks, 37 Comments, 12 Reputation

faeries seem a good fit to me. faerie miscreant would be a good target for RoR. cloud of faeries, faerie imposter and/or quickling, spell stutter sprite and maybe even scion of oona would all synergize greatly and be relatively cheap.

the miscreants do see each other come in btw, http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=398459

also, since you are running anointed procession, faerie artisans could be a possibilty.

Posted 18 June 2017 at 18:30 as a comment on DBC: RoR and A. Procession


I don't think that first combo you listed is right. You would go minus one energy for every thopter unless you had 2 modules.

Posted 22 February 2017 at 01:54 as a comment on Aether Revolt is so broken


you should add a link to a tron deck you recommend, btw tron uses those lands that give you a ton of mana if you have all three. thats pretty much the deck.

Posted 03 January 2015 at 01:41 in reply to #526707 on Budget Decks: Eldrazi-Keeper


Also northern Warlord, 10 out of 20 decks on the first page of the front page are budget decks, thats 50% not 90. and out of the ones that aren't budget, only one is considered an actually good deck for its format. That would be the vengevine. also that soulfire deck is close.

Posted 03 January 2015 at 01:23 in reply to #526677 on Budget Decks: Eldrazi-Keeper


It is true that this site is filled to the brim with theory crafters who don't make the best decks. BUT, there is nowhere else that has a community that encourages it. Gothy makes a very good point, however, I enjoy this site for it's search engine and community of *ahem* "wishful thinkers." In many groups of magic players, people don't know what formats are, and they don't even know what a meta is. But, they have a different type of fun because of it. Sometimes I wish this site had decks on the front page that reflected the metas of standard, modern, and legacy but it is okay that it doesn't. If you actually want to change something about the front page, make a tutorial series about the metas of tournaments and encourage people to actually understand the game that they play. Personally, I don't care enough to devote time into it.

Posted 03 January 2015 at 01:18 in reply to #526677 on Budget Decks: Eldrazi-Keeper


What do you think of Monastery Swiftspear and Banishing Knack in this deck? Also, what is your opinion on dig through time versus treasure cruise? Obviously the general consensus is that dig through time is better (I assume this because of the price difference), but I would like to know what you think about them. I think that dig through time is better in control decks but in decks like these delver/pyromancer decks that I have seen EVERYWHERE there is half and half of the two due to the fact that all the cards in the deck are low cost cantrips so having one extra card is better than having a choice. Sorry for the lengthy comment and I like the version you made!

Posted 29 December 2014 at 10:34 as a comment on Modern Ascendancy


this is beautiful! :D

Posted 29 December 2014 at 09:42 as a comment on Modern glass cannon #2


How does green work for you? do you like it? Also, now that KTK is out you should seriously consider narset.

Posted 29 December 2014 at 09:40 as a comment on Grisel Cannon


I have always loved decks that win throughcards that say "you win." I love you for making this deck, thank you!

Posted 29 December 2014 at 09:29 as a comment on Deck of Wits and Stupidity


Personally I would bump up read the bones to 4, you hopefully will not take too much damage from creatures and it can go through 4 cards in your library. It is ideal for this deck because more kin tree invocations Is very good. also as more expansions come out you may want to switch to a tri-colored deck.

-- EDIT -- splelling, also scry in general is really good, especially with this deck.

Posted 26 December 2014 at 21:08 as a comment on [Budget] G/B Defender


only 2 decks that can counter, mill and burn

Posted 11 May 2013 at 16:27 as a comment on Attack me, I dare you


yes yes yes

Posted 10 May 2013 at 21:43 in reply to #350808 on 12, 11, 10! 10 Life! Ah ah ah!


um, 58 cards?

Posted 10 May 2013 at 21:42 as a comment on You Get Nothing!


how is it infinite? and what is it? i saw a lot of cool combo's involving stuff but it didn't make sense

Posted 10 May 2013 at 21:36 as a comment on Looping Forever.


bump in the night?

Posted 10 May 2013 at 20:20 as a comment on 12, 11, 10! 10 Life! Ah ah ah!


thought cast?

Posted 10 May 2013 at 18:45 as a comment on Affordable, Landless, Affinity


darksteel is indestructable but other wise it just sits there doing nothing, so why not something that doesnt cost anything but does something?

all low cost (at low end)

-dark sphere
-gusthas scepter
- tons of mana thing (wouldnt fit)

Posted 10 May 2013 at 18:42 as a comment on Affordable, Landless, Affinity


if you don't care about legality, sol ring is an OP card

Posted 04 May 2013 at 18:36 in reply to #348194 on Lord of the Relics


cool, not to seem pushy or anything

Posted 04 May 2013 at 18:35 in reply to #348194 on Lord of the Relics


yes, but unlike counterspell it has a catch, but its your deck

Posted 04 May 2013 at 18:28 in reply to #348194 on Lord of the Relics


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