I have high hopes for this, so please tell me if you can beat it, and with what deck you did. I do eventually plan to take this, or a similar deck to PTQ. The only thing I think might be a problem is the lands, which I'm thinking I'll either switch them out for shock lands, or man lands. I like the current deck as it is though and think it's fine.
Ah, I've played against a very similar deck quite a bit. You must be pretty excited for Theros with the new ramp card defenders are getting, eh?My critique is that I would suggest removing devils play entirely and using Doorkeeper as your win con. :)
You could consider Driver of the Dead, as it would help bring back your combo pieces if you don't have a gravecrawler, and sort of acts as a pseudo-inf combo. You might also consider splashing green for stuff like Lumberknot (iirc), and a faster deck in general because of ramp options and stuff like Geist.
so unloved :(
Always looking for input on all of my decks, so feel free to comment!
Thank you making this great site, really helpful. Actually tbh I didn't even know who made the site - lol :P
...Goldknight Commander?
if you bounce him, the original creature returns, it's a pretty good idea though, ty
i would put in scorned villagers since ramping for captives is nice. also I would take out huntmaster and put in silverhearts, you want huntmaster flipping as much as possible and so it doesn't really fit into a werewolf deck since you don't want your werewolves to flip. Also I would suggest reckless waifs or something alone those lines since your turn 1/2/3 aren't the greatest. I'd also take out thunderbolts and put in searing spear since the only thing you'd really want to kill with thunder bolt is restoration angel iirc and it's completely useless as removal if they aren't playing that. Putting in reckless waifs is your choice since they are more aggroish but i would def do the scorned villagers and silverheart.
Thanks, I've often thought about putting in Birds of Paradise for ramp, but personally if I did that I'd have to put in Swords and to me this just isn't a swords deck ^^ Definitely I have found that a deck like that is really good, but I just prefer this :P Thanks for the vote though.
Definitely take out Revive, and I'd take out 1 Emancipation Angel cause it's not -that- great and Restoration Angel is better :) I'd also put in Blade Splicers if you have them, they are SUPER good.
Decided I would change it up a bit, thanks for the comment :) Although Cloudshift + Restoration Angel pretty well means I'll always have something to bounce with and if I don't I can use Beast Within on the token Producer, it works really well with Thragtusk, Blade Splicer, and Suture Priest since if I kill something of theirs they lose 1 life too :) I'd probably NEVER use Sudden Dissappearance though, it sux ballz :P
Rootbound Crags aren't really necessary when I have Cavern of Souls, Evolving Wilds, and Clifftop Retreats :)
I'd probably put a couple swords in at the very least, Frost Titan isn't that great in this deck. Think you decide whether you want to play more beefy aggro or more defensive like you are now, cause the 2 don't really mix imo, besides tree of redemption which is just an amazing card. Oh and Ambush Vipers are good.
because that's such an active deck link that will get me so many views :P
thanks for the comment, and yep, White is probably one of my favorite colors if not my most favorite in standard. Plus the art rocks!
i would put in silverblade paladin, op as hell. also pilgrim could work if you want mana fixing, since he's also a human :)
Come on people :>
lol thanks KJ, appreciate the comment :)
Looking to replace Avenger with something, thinking maybe Garruk Primal Hunter. Also this is probably one of my best decks yet no comments :(
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