Yeah most of the Jund stuff involved devour and sacrificing your things, which is the last thing I want to do. I mainly say 'Jund' because those are the colors of the decks. Sorry, may have been a little misleading! I'm actually not a fan of murderous cut. It would work great in a jund devour type deck, but not really what I'm looking for here. Thanks for the input though!
I just picked up some Geralf's Messengers to put in place of my cadaver imps, so I'll see how those work out. I think that will just be one of those annoying simple combos that makes your opponent want to slit their wrists. I have strongly considered tragic slips for a long time, but I just cant find the cards to take out. I guess I could build a sideboard lol. Thanks for the input!
I like the idea, but not really what I'm looking for. Thanks for the post though!
Love the deck idea. Another card you might want to consider would be suture priest. That in combination with your vampire would be painful for them to deal with.
I like the deck but some more eldrazi spawners would be nice.
I like it. Instead of the shocks I would put lightning bolts. Same mana cost more damage.
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