For Some reason i can't Edit my earlier reply.For the sake of Zaklax13, i wont delete the posts, even though they both are much less relevant, after cruise was banned, and i decided not to splash blue anymore.
Ill definately test that out, as soon as i get the chance.Thank you a lot for contributing with your thoughts, i had completely forgotten about the card.Imo, it just seems cluncky, and a worse card for both pumping my guys, and gaining lifelink, than Sorin.But, before its tested, no one really knows.
Thx for the comment.Im glad you like my level of disgusting unfairness in one of the decks usually regarded as a fair deck.Snapcaster and path were both on my mind as choices i could play.SNAPCASTER:snapcaster mage would suit the deck well, had i chosen to splash blue for that instead of cruise. Since i do not run cantrips of the sort the other cruise-decks runs, i have a harder time filling my graveyard for cruise.(all my spells depend on that i can target something with them, without a creature on my opponents board, my kills stay in hand, unless i find liliana, and so.)The card snapcaster would remove the spell from my graveyard, and thereby make cruise even harder to cast.PATH TO EXILEWhen i first saw the deck, i thought about why it doesnt play path.I believe its because of the ooze, who wants to grow on their dead creatures in the yard.Despite that, i might still decide to run 1-2 in the main, as there are somethings i would love to be able to path, and the fact that i only have to keep one white up to cast it. (yesterday i had a problem vs my opponents restoration angel, who beatet me down, while i only had abrupt decay in hand.) also vs kiki-control or twin exarch, i would like to cast my spells and keep path up, instead of having to chose on turn 3, whether to play my creature or hold up removal.These are only my oppinions, and my reasons for not running the cards, as i am very new to the modern format i might be horribly wrong.
Thx for your comment,I made this for our little playtesting group.each week we meet up, and test vs each other, and a proxied gountlet.this was last weeks rogue deck for the gountlet.its an interesting deck, and you might be right about it breaking out, if it gets some nice cards. :)
fog.... i have no idea why you would run 4 of them. if you are behind in a race, this might give you a turn or 2 if you have 2 in the hand. if you are ahead in a race, it does nothing and is a "dead" card in your hand. and when you are behind, you would much rather have a burn to finish off one of his creatures, or to shoot him in the head for the rest, so that you get ahead. in my experiance, farseek is wrong for the aggro deck, using your turn 2 to not set a higher tempo agenst your opponent. and in a deck where your curve is so low, there is just no need. a situation like this where an aggro wants to ramp is just what your friendly manadog is for. a creature that ramps, it can hit or ramp, depending on what you need. and you already play it. IMO get rid of the farseeks. and play some strangleroot geists. they are great. also, you are playing aggro, and you are playing green, where is the rancor? :)
Hi again poet, i acually made my bant control the other day, and believe that i built it the best way possible. i gennerally feel that you are missing ponder to play that many miracles, and therefor i dont. you should really consider restoration angels instead of the wurms. thragtusk is deffinately the best card in the deck, so why not make it even better?? deck-link to mine is here. besides, did you forget the angel of serenety, 2 of them says that you always have action.
its quite clear that i was struck by prejudice, right. and its also clear that i saw this deck as something else. we can dissagree from here and to hell, that doesnt bother me, and you shouldnt be sorry about it, friend. i believe myself to be a well-playing player, and i believe that you are as well. so lets agree to dissagree :) now im off to board agenst this deck xD
The thing about the demon is that its drawback is not a drawback at all. its just not a aggro-creature, but a control-creature. if the opponent have a kill spell, he makes one-for-one. removing one of your cards with one of his own. that is the usual way this goes. but if he haven't he'll either take 6 dam that u paid 4 mana to give, or he will sacrefice creatures each round. and that is card-advantage. having him use 6 cards on one of your cards, until he finds a kill. thats 6 cards you are ahead. Card-advantage.
thundermaw is Baws, but id rather play 1-2 less of him and some falkenrath aristocrat. imo, the electromancer is useless, play the snapcasters, thats all you need, if you need something more, play augur, he has a heavy ass and can block aggro's creatures very well, he can also find mizzium mortars or a kill for you. you should play him instead of the Inaction Injunction, since it isnt a kill, the creature stays, you just make him wait a turn, and then it cycles. the detain ability really doesnt do much, if it isnt followed up, Inaction Injunction is very very close to just being a card that says 2 mana, draw a card. i know that you can snapcast it, but then why not just play cards that are good in themselves and then snapcast them. the augur spree is a bad kill, and you really dont need the second ability of it, the pump. by the time you have a creature that wont die to getting pumped by it, you are in control of the battlefield, and therefor dont need it. instead i'd play ultimate price, even with so many hybrid and duo-coloured cards from ravnica, most aggro decks play monocoloured creatures. play more jace, he is boss. +1 agenst aggro, to give you a small pause from them, and -2 agenst control for the card-advantage. on the esper, where they can grind through their library to search for him, they play 4, you cant search for him, therefor play 4. i wouldnt play more than one cyclonic rift, its great agenst tokens, where your demons would be very very bad. he always makes 2 creatures on every card. and plz dont play dreadbore, imo the sorcery-speed just means far too much. if you have a problem with plainswalkers, you could sideboard it, but i'd just be much better to sideboard either counters or Pithing needle. regarding the counters, you already play 4 "counter target non-creature spell" charm in the mainboard. for win-cons, why not cut the deamons and go straight for the one card that this deck it the only deck that can play it, and who is a definitive showstopper. aggro will be struggling all the way to kill you, and control will be struggling all the way to control you, but when he arrives, both aggro and control will have to admit that they dont have an answer. im ofc. talking about Nicol bolas. there is a long way up to him, and in most games you have already won or lost before you get to him, but in the Control matchup, you will get there, and you will win on him. Sideboard: id go down to 3 dissepate, u really never need more, when snapcasting. cremate is aggro's way to deal with reanimater, and it doesnt work agenst scavenge, since they exile their creature as part of the cost. play grafdiggers cage, both reanimator and golgari hates it, and consider curse of deaths hold for the gravecrawler. instead of 4 slaughter games, consider pithing needle, since planeswalkers will be one oy your biggest concerns. i cant really say anything about rakdos charm, i only comment on card that i have played and therefor know about.
id cut one of the grove of the guardian. point is, an 8/8 is nice, but everything bigger than 5 in power needs trample, not vigilance. instead for one of the groves, and perhaps a plains, id add in 2 gavony township, ill tell you, im a control and midrange player, and both control and midrange hates the township. id also cut the growing ranks completely and 2 or 3 of the parallel lives. you dont need them for anything when you are ahead of your opponent, and they dont do anything if you are behind. you dont need things that makes more tokens when you have creatures, you need something that makes tokens when you dont have creatures. also, growing ranks, you might cast it at round 4, but it just sits there for a whole round, and if you are on the play vs a control deck, he will wrath on his turn 4 and then its another round where growing ranks just sits there and doesnt help you. the same goes for parallel lives. if you cut them, you will have space to play 4 instead of 3 intangible as it acually does something on the battlefield, and you can also add more token-spawner spells. also, instead of playing the fog who populates agenst aggro, because i dont believe it does anything agenst control, id play either Centaur healer, as it does more agenst aggro, or Loxodon Smiter who is better agenst control. and as my last comment, if you believe that you will get the mana to play armada wurm, then its fine by me, but where the heck is the thragtusk? that creature is good agenst everything, aggro dont like that you gain the 5 life (8 if you have trostani in the table) and control dont like that they have to kill it twice. midrange hates both the lives and that they have to kill it twice. if you are not convinced then let me tell you: before the rotation, Esper control who had the choice of picking win-conditions in bot white, black and blue decided to splash green for 4x thragtusk. in my eyes that usually says that the card is pretty OP. Mono black control did the same. 4x thragtusk. therefor you should play 1-2 and cut the armada wurms down to 1
det virker som et deck der ikke vil slå sin modstanders dyr ihjel underskrevet johannes
Kazzong, bladesplicer works fine in itself. a 3/3 golem with first strike and a 1/1 human for 3 mana, thats power 4 and firststrike for 3 mana. have to be good. and i know that people usually dont count the splicer in the mana cost, because you dont wanna lose it to a block or something like that, but its still a 1/1 creature for that last 1 life your opponent have.
about boundless growth, or epic ramp spell, its a card, and i believe we all like the thought of doubling our mana on a single spell, but as i believe we both know; if you have 7 mana, you just dont need more, thats the turn where you put a titan or a hydra on the table and wins. Wizards trolled with the card i believe. :)
for ramping, you will have to depend on what they put in ravnica. For my part it looks like they are going away from ramping, and instead giving cards that put the lands in your hand so you always have a land-drop (Ex: Lilliana of the dark realms) Perhaps there will be more creatures that ramp instead of spells who puts actual lands on the table.
Thragtusk i a good creature. its good agenst control because they tend to wrath, and then you still have a 3/3 beast to hit them with. and its good agenst aggro because of the 5 lives it gives you. win on both sides. oh, almost forgot; if it isnt killed its still power 5 for 5 mana.
you forgot that thragtusk also gives 4 lives. but cant argue with your choice of creatures.
the idea with enchantments are good, very good indeed. in your stead i would put in some more control cards, like day of judgement since in turn 4 there is no better removal IMO Consider adding 1-2 unburial rites. for your elesh norn or titan. Id take out the gravecrawlers, the only thing they do in the deck is being friends with bloodartist, and you gain nothing from them, since they cant block and are therefor an aggro-card. id also take out the blood-artist and play more "Wraths" or something else instead. Lingering souls could be a good choice. Also, you are playing 4 doomblades and 3 go for the throat's. IMO and IME (in my experience) you only need 5 spot-removals in the "2-price-sloth" Also, you are playing a very fast control deck, u have 12 turn one drops, 12 turn 2 drops. how do you get that to match up with this being a control deck? Control locks down aggro and stalls, in that way they can play the insanely pricy creatures, that aggro cant. and win on having control on the battlefield and the biggest creeps. if you need further inspiration, take a look at my Orzhow PW control. if you have any questions to what to play, or why i play this or that in my deck, please leave a comment.
dont play 4 of each planeswalkers. i put together a deck like this, my Orshow PW control. Feel free to look at it for inspiration. also, id give you some pointers. Karn is far too expensive to play 4 of. i play one-of because he isnt really nesessary to win, but its very nice to "answer" on everything. Surgical extraction is IMO a sideboard card. if you dont have anything valuable to use it on, dont. therefor exile it to the sideboard. Lilliana of the veil i NOT bad, though the top comment states that she is. she is a maniac agenst control. Add lingering souls, very nice blockers agenst aggro and u can discard them with lilly without suffering anything. Add sun titans, also a very good control card. again, the discard with lilly thing. And playing one of a unburrial rites is also good for her and for you. whether the creature dies or you discard it with lilly, you get it back. if you look at my deck for inspiration and something bothers you, or you have a question, please add a comment to the deck, and id be happy to explain.
Look at what edition the card is from and then buy the boosters from there. Or you could single-buy. i dont have any suggestions on boxes where they are in, sry.
The problem with shock-lands or fetch-lands for your deck is that they still only give you one land. (the only lands i could just think of) therefor if you want to ramp, i advice that you instead do it with creatures, Llanowar Elves or Birds of Paradise would work. if you prefer, you could go with arbor elf over Llanowar's but id go Llanowars because of the chance your lands might get destructed.
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