I appreciate your comment and I went through the same considerations. I haven't gotten around to testing it yet, but I think it'd be worth it if it works
With Gloom surgeon I wanted a solid blocker that wasn't too high of a cost. In play testing, I've found that milling ten cards is a lot better than taking lethal damage.
actually, you should also put in four of the BW fetch land and four misty rainforests so you can activate two landfalls as many times as possible
you should go up to four harrows, and you should replace terramorphic expanse with verdent catacombs
Those are a good side choice, but if he wants to just get rid of those cards entirely, it makes more sense to use something like Surgical Extraction to just pick apart the cards he needs to get rid of.
I've tried Phyrexian Crusaders and they don't really work with the deck. I don't have enough infect damage for them to be worth it. I would use obliterators but I don't actually use this deck in standard anymore. I switched to the Zombie Pod deck. There's a link for that in the description and it would be great if you could give that a look.
You should put doom blades in the side board to replace mana leak for when you play against aggro decks using cavern of souls. That or some other kill spell.
I used to run killing waves and mortarpods but found them to not be as successful as using a birthing pod and switching out blue for red. you should check out the deck list in the description and tell me what you think of that one.
I don't think you should have so many singletons. and if you're going for making as many zombies as possible, you should run the three one mana zombie cards and use endless ranks of the dead. Also, you should check out my blue black zombies. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=344087
Yeah i've played using the demonlord before, he's pretty good, but I haven't really had too much of a use for him. Maybe once some of the scars stuff rotates out I'll put him to use. Plus, I'm not sure what I'd take out right now
Thorne is right about a lot of what he says. You need to find a focus and cut down to as close to 60 cards as possible. Here's a link to my UB zombies that you could use as reference: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=344087
woo! thanks :D
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=344087 Thats the black blue version of this deck.
I have a similar deck that is just black and blue as well. I think I might have edited the decklist to be black white. Anyway, the cloudshift was for geralf's messenger and the captain. But you're right, it just doesn't seem worth it.
Typhoid rats is actually a really good idea. Because of deathtouch, when I shoot a creature with mortarpod, its an instant kill unless the creature is indestructible. Also, Nihil spellbomb isn't just good against haunting echoes. Right now, some of the decks that are popular thrive off of being able to play out of their graveyard, and at the very least I can shit down a creature with undying and get a card out of it. It's use is a lot bigger than you would think.
I think the deck is really cool, and really well built. The only thing I think you need to do is add some creature removal, as you are probably going to have the most difficulty dealing with that; so add Go for the throat and or Doom Blade to deal with creatures. Also, Add Leliana's Specter, its a 3 mana 2/1 flyer that makes each opponent discard a card when it enters the battlefield. Great job josh :D
I would love to add him. However, he costs a tad too much.
i went down to 1 haunting echoes and added her in actually. take a look, i made a few other changes.
i'm debating a liliana in the main board. the tutoring could help. set up path to exile/archive trap.
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