I remember my first pact deck. Those were good times.
I was in the process of building a deck like this before I went pro. I know its not an artifact itself, but Mishra's Workshop is worth adding in.
Keeping in mind that it is his first deck, he probably doesn't have that many cards. It looks as though this deck was built out of a fat pack. Considering that, I would say this deck is pretty good for a first deck. Tal is right though, work toward filtering out pointless cards and replacing them with more of the good cards.
Didn't see you had an Entangler in here already, but maybe replace the Llanowar Elves and the Arbor Elves with a playset of Birds of Paradise so you can add the red curses.
Leonin Abunas would do you well, as it gives artifacts you control Hexproof. It would work well with the Witchbane Orb. The deck itself is beast to say the least, but it would seem to do well with maybe an Entangler and Curse of the Nightly Hunt. Either way, +1. I like the concept.
I like Relentless Rats, but I love the way you have used them, not to attack, but to swarm and drop an Essence Harvest for basically an instant win. +1
Collapsing Borders isn't what I'm aiming for in this deck. Since it's multiplayer, most of the people i play with play 3-5 color decks. It wouldn't be worth the draw backs to add it to my deck. But thanks for the comment!
Also Nihilistic Glee and Witch Engine are good. Viashino Sandswimmer, Fledgling Osprey.
I have never found Mindstorm Crown to be particularly useful.
Thanks man, Means a lot. :P
Exploding Borders was placed in the deck strictly to show a friend the use of the Domain mechanic. I guess I just liked them enough to leave them in. If I can get my hands on, say, 1x more Boundless Realms, I can re-add that one and the other one I have to it, thus replacing them with better cards, maybe 2x Deep Recons as well. Thanks for the comment too, I can see you are a good player from the cards you recommend.
+1, Hopefully your deck gets more popularity this time around, it's a nice idea.
I think my comment got lost in the sketchy programming on this site so I'm going to re-post it since it had some useful info. Not to mention the fact that the deck is illegal in every format. Check out this sit for a list of card restrictions and ban lists: http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=judge/resources/banned Try one of each of the Mox, a Lotus, Sol Ring, Thran Dynamo, and the Urza lands with a Mycosynth Lattice. That should produce all the Purple Mana you need to play your walkers.
Lol, It's ok man. Did you at least like the deck?
Snapcasters are a great idea, I think I may put some in, thanks.
It works if you start the game with no Obliterators in hand.
Love the name for the deck. Great concept too. I would build this but I like having all my angels in my white creature binder. :P
This deck of yours seems to play out very nicely. I myself had actually seen this deck built on MTG Deck Builder .net, card for card. I assume that was you? I'm thinking of buying these cards and building this deck but I'm not a big fan of raw power. It's too easy to counter, though I would have a hard time surviving against this when using Esper, so I guess it balances out.
I will take a look at yours, maybe get some ideas; and yes, the Wraths are in the deck, I make sure when I'm building decks on these sites that I use the right set that the cards I actually have are from.
You did see the part about ramping extremely fast in a multiplayer game, right? It's not meant to be played as a 1v1 deck; not to mention the 9 creatures in the deck, an amulet would be a waste of space. But thanks for taking a look.
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