I may try the 4 opt and see as I've though to myself the same thing. But digging for the combo seems really necessary but mayb enot so much witht hat 3rd colour. I am used to playing UR Breach.
Surprisingly the interaction has not come up that much.
That land is non negotiable, however I was thinking of taking a harnessed out. And Censor late game allows me to card draw using the cycle. The weakest card IMHO is the lightning.
what do you take out for say 1 glory bringer and 1 chandra? I don't see where the space is.
performs rather well yes. I prefer my grixis deck better though. But yes, it is a pretty consistent only flaw I have is sometimes getting stuck on mana for the double blue or double white
You win with your manlands or your gearhulks.
I found that out looking up the rule. Am currently replacing it. thanks though
Ob Nixilis, loses you life in a format that does not allow you to at the current time. and with Anguished Unmaking you are already pushing that boundary.
This deck doesn't want collective brutality. it's all about card advantage in control. I think some Declaration in stone in the sideboard makes sense also.
it is an interesting attempt. It is just a lot of high costing things an dunfortunately if your tapping out on turn 3 in Modern you are dead
a mainboard dispel or two not sure what you cut for that would answer the dramoka's commands
lol I got 2nd at Gameday and 9th at Alabama States with my version http://www.mtgvault.com/justinisthecrazy/decks/uw-control-2/ all about how to pilot it. The match I lost that cost me top 8 was to a Dramoka's command abzan deck. So, I think I may need to mainboard the dispel. also the Ojutai's command feel weak. I may cut them.
gideon is great and so is jace
Being able to Stasis Snare a Mantis Rider, Gideon, Sarkhan, or really any big potential threat is great. Silk Wrap is argueably the best removal in the format.
I piloted it to 2nd in Game Day and 9th in Alabama states. it's only bad matchup is decks running Dromakas commands Silkwrap, Stasis Snare, are must includes for the removal package.
Learn to pilot it better! It isn't slow. My lost plays an aggro heavy meta and does fine. You need Gideon
I still like PLA
complete disregard is a mvp. one of the most udnerrated cards in t format. Deals with Hangarback so well.
What is the win con? Hangarback? A Pearl Lake Ancient one of would be an awesome edition.
i could try that but taking damage is okay. it's manly the spell package I'm worried about. Spell snare is useless because of tasigur turn 2 or 3 and the fish guy potential turn 2 or 3 as well. the vapor snag is handy. terminate and simember to kill, bolt to kill, many ways to flip delver.
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