Expensive but wasteland would be real mean.
Thanks for your comment on my deck, I have two human decks myself, a W/R and W/G. I really like Cavalry Pegasus in my deck, although it seems like you're pretty set on 2 drops. Sunlance and Mana Tithe are also some of my favorites if you find yourself having issues early on. Edit: Cloudshift and Mirran Crusader are fantastic as well.
Yeah I plan to run a full set of them, this is just the deck as it is now. Blistercoil Weird would be an interesting addition as well, I hadn't thought of him and probably have a couple sitting around. Jori En is a card I haven't seen before actually, I may proxy that in a bit. Any recommendations on what to take out for it? That's my issue, I Goblin Electomancer is at the top of my list to take out but it combos well with Jori. Perhaps Hero of Oxid Ridge but I love that with the Young Pyromancer as a finisher.
I second the Bedlam Reveler. Thing in the ice sideboard is fantastic as well. For other sideboard cards I like Fiery Impulse, Incendiary Flow, Seismic Rupture and Roast for dealing with early game threats. Other options for you to consider are Fevered Visions, thermo-alchemist. Ideally I would put 2x Bedlam Reveler, 4x Thing in the Ice, and a combination of the listed burn spells, Incendiary Flow and Fiery Impulse are my favorites. Seismic Rupture can be swapped for Thing in the Ice.
Also, throwing out some more ideas... If you added Rakdos Cackler that would make Hellraiser Goblin viable as you would almost have guaranteed 3 creatures attacking 3rd turn. Just an idea for more haste. I do really like this deck, I'm probably going to buy a variation of it and try it in FNM because why not.I realize neither of these are humans, would probably swap out the viashinos if interested in any of the cards I've listed.
Are Firemane Avenger and Frontline Medic too expensive for this deck? I think you should add at least 1 of each, even if you Added 4 of both of them would keep it under $10 and I think they would be solid additions. I assume you have thought of them and that your reasoning is to keep it budget, just throwing it out there. Lastly, dang I wish boros charm wasn't that expensive!(Expensive in this comment refers to monetary value, not mana cost)
Honestly didn't think of him, added a few thanks!
Looks like a good deck, I would look into adding flayer of the hatebound.
Added 3 arbor elves and 2 pattern of rebirth, should make it quite a bit faster.