My problem with Vexing Devil is that it is just too small. It trades unfavorably with Delver, and is stonewaller by Grixis Control or Abzan. Similarily, Leveler is just too chumpable and leads to poor races often. That being said, there are a few other creatures that can slot in, and Eater is too easily destroyed. Spellskites might help that plan, however.
I love 8-rack, and it intrigues me to see Mists and Quest in a list, as well as blackmail! Seems fun!
Wow, this is really cheap (looks really damn good though). Even keeping under $50 (my personal limit for competitive budget decks), you could certainly give it a few upgrades. Add in 2-3 Guides, and it's surprisingly a great saver on regular Living end, just by trimming down the mana base and removing Fulminator Mage. This looks fantastic!
Note to Self: Main - Outpost Siege, Murderous Cut? Side - Dead Drop, Citadel Siege, Ram? Transform - Kolaghan 2=>3,4, Thunderbreak Regent 0=> 2,3 for Orator?
2 Mystics = 2 mana, played on turns one and two. Generator servant is two mana, played on turn two. Play three lands and you have 7 available mana turn 3, and it must be at least one red and one green, given what you cast already.
I honestly don't expect it to do very well, especially with Drown and Anger rotating out. However, it CAN run the new pyroclasm, End Hostilities, and Crux, and with the early disruption it should be able to survive against even an aggro deck until T5. That being said, especially with Rabblemaster rotating out, I think that gives the deck an easier time. Until then, I could likely put in black cat to chump/trade, and random discard is miles better than chosen discard.
Not really. Since most of the cards are fairly cheap, I'll actually build the deck before I play it rather than proxying. Should have an okay matchup against aggro and midrange, but valorous stance and control decks will ruin it I predict.
The idea is reliably, yes you can get it turn 3 but that's essentially a whole starting hand: 3 Land, 2 Mystic, Gen, Atarka
Dragonlard Atarka is arguably one of the best of the Dragonlords for standard. In this deck, you should get her out hasted on turn four semi reliably, and then she kills rhino and swings for 8. You can actually have both FRF Atarka and DTK Atarka on the board, yes? they aren't planeswalkers. Even with two DTK Atarka, dropping the second one is still a (albeit really bad) burn spell.
Good deck, but are the Charcoal Diamonds, Marsh Flats, and Verdant Catacombs really necessary? The Diamond is basically a land that costs 2 to play, and the MF and VC are a lost turn of mana production AND a life- In a multicolor deck (of 3 or more colors, or very few black in a dual color deck) these are useful, but I'd leave them out in this deck. Or, at the very least, reaplace them with terramorphic expanses.
Too many lands in this deck. Generally, you should have one land for each other two cards you have. I set up my decks (if i have the right spells) Land, creature, Enchantment/sorcery/instant/artifact, then repeat reapeat reapeat. I rarely have too few lands, or too many (if there's such a thing).
Pretty good deck, but could use more spells, and maybe take out the worldly tutors, as well as adding more islands, swamps and plains.