If anything, replace the Ghouls with Vexing Devils to get a 4/3 for one mana. Otherwise put spells in to respond to your opponents.
You still technically need to pull out 5 cards. But some good suggestions are Dream Prowler as an unblockable creature. Finest Hour is a necessary enchantment for this deck. Ardent Plea wouldnt be bad. When you cut cards, cut from your instants and sorceries cause the ones you have aren't quite good enough to be played in commander. And I'm assuming your swamps just represent your basic lands.
Especially with no mana acceleration. I believe the only things above 4 mana you should be casting is Sigarda, Thragtusk, and Silverheart.
I'd say pull out the Thraben Doomsayers, Predatory Rampage, and an Oblivion ring. You could also pull out the increasing Devotion. Good cards to add are Silverblade Paladin, Restoration Angel especially, and Avacyn's Pilgrim. You should also add Razorverge Thicket. If you pull out some of your sorceries, Thalia is a must. Mirran Crusader is a great SB card against any sort of green or black deck. Angelic Destiny is expensive money-wise but is really nice. Whatever you do, don't add Cather's Crusade. It is too expensive mana wise for an aggro deck.
Is your goal for Heartless Summoning to kill of your Snapcaster and Gravecrawler instantly so you can cast them again for Burning Vengeance? Cause if not, then it's not a good card in this deck because it lowers the effectiveness of the titan's tokens and you lose bodies provided by Snapcaster and Gravecrawler. But I can see it working to repeatedly cast Gravecrawler for Burning Vengeance.
The new card Boundless Realms would most likely grab all the rest of the colors you need for the door.
Other than that it's a cool deck.
Mask of the Mimic will not let you grab another rector. The rector you sacrifice is already in the graveyard (exiled if you did his ability) so it can not be the target of Mask's ability. It only works when you already have two rectors in play and sac one.
A good card for this deck may be Quirion Dryad since you don't have a lot of green spells and the only 2 drop in your main board is the pike. It can smooth your curve a little more and grow big with all of your blue cantrips.
Avenger of Zendikar would be great in this deck. Also if you are willing to spend some money, Zuran Orb + Crucible of Worlds could give you lots of life plus more lands to play. Oracle of Mul Daya and Azusa, Lost but Seeking are great land accelerators, especially if you have Zuran Orb and Crucible of Worlds.
An easier way to do this is to just run Niv-Mizzet. Then you don't need Curiosity, but Curiosity plus more pingers adds consistency. I would still suggest adding Niv-Mizzet though.
I think Butcher Ghoul is unnecessary and you could probably pull out a copy of Diregraf Captain
You should include a Phyrexian Obliterater or two so you can pod from the Messenger to it or just play it since your deck is nearly mono-black. Phyrexian Crusader could be useful as a sideboard or a few copies main because it can put a clock on the opponent and kill your opponent the same speed as a Mirran Crusader can do 20 to you (with no boosts that is), and since you gain life from Blood Artist, you could possibly win the race.
thats why the first turn combo requires 2 dark rituals
Interesting. The exact same deck as done by Building on a Budget column..
Burn at the Stake may be a good finisher spell here. Also why no Squee? Squee is one of my favorite goblins ever.
Also, Hex Parasite can help you pull those counters off of Dark Depths faster
Another possibility for control is Appetite for Brains
Krond the Dawn-Clad. The 5th Archon. He is amazing if you have creature enchants. http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=270738
Abundant Growth is also unnecessary.
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