
19 Decks, 943 Comments, 127 Reputation

Actually, I don't need them that much do I? Do you think should just forget them? :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 05:53 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Okay. What about thrun and maelstrom pulse? :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 05:50 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Yeah, I love ooze. Sometimes I think OF make a deck where you give ooze all kinds of abilities like flying, Then you imagine a flying ooze A soaring blob going over your head and blobbing into a building. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 05:31 in reply to #443529 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


The above? What do you mean by that? But I really need engineered explosives against goblin decks and zoo and those types. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 05:29 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Do You think It would help? The only creatures I have with activate abilities are scavenging ooze and birds of paradise, but thanks so much! :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 05:23 in reply to #443529 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


So No Threads at all? I have a desecration demon and I can't find it. I'll find it tomorrow. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 05:21 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


What should I take out for the threads in the Sideboard?

Posted 03 March 2014 at 05:18 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Really, no threads? I guess I was assuming that they would play a tarmagoyf or dark confidant or kor spiritdancer or scavenging ooze or if they get a good token ( if dark depths was modern, do that and look at their face) or just an average creature but if you think I should I will take them out. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 05:07 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Okay, i want one last call before I buy this tomorrow. So please tell me what you think I should take out for the demon I want this deck by friday and If I order it tomorrow I think the website I get it from can get it to me in time. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:58 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Wait why would eternal witness be good if I add Desecration Demon? And I should Keep it in or not? And What do you think I should take out for desecration demon? :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:52 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Nice I love uril! maybe put in daybreak coronet and ethereal armor. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:35 as a comment on "AURA"n't this a good name?


Oh yeah! How many and what to take out. Please tell me if eternal witness is good in this deck. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:32 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Okay, I did. Please tell me if you like this deck and if it is good and If you think I should a deck called Healing Bear! :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:26 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Should I switch them? I mean from main deck to SB and The other way? :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:23 in reply to #443487 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Oh! I forgot it was in hear. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:14 in reply to #441992 on Poly Maze Control


Thanks! Do you like this deck? And I think primeval titan is to mana-expensive but I'll try to work with the land to get predator ooze in, And do you think this would do well in a modern tournament? oh, and one last thing, what do you think i should take out for predator ooze? :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:10 in reply to #443480 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


Oh! I never thought of that! But good idea, I think that should be the way all mill deck protection works, maybe put in ulamog or kozilek instead so you can cast it if you get 10 or 11 mana from primeval titan. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:06 in reply to #443469 on G/W Great walls assault


Do you think this is a good deck in modern? Please tell me. And the only reason I would not run predator ooze is that it costs 3 of one color in a three color deck. thanks! :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 04:02 in reply to #443472 on There's Ooze In The Kitchen!


I love seeing the ways notion thief can ruin your opponent. Please check out my new deck. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 03:21 as a comment on [Budget] Notion Advantage


Maybe put in more elvish piper because if you just get an emrakul in your hand it does nothing for a wile, and there are enough things in your deck to use it on otherwise. please check out my new deck and tell me if it would do well in a modern tournament, I've never played in one and I don't want to buy a deck then to find out it doesn't work. :)

Posted 03 March 2014 at 03:19 as a comment on G/W Great walls assault


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