
3 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

This is the commander deck that I built for my playgroup of 5-6. It took me roughly a year and a half to build it, as I did not obtain all the cards at once. This deck was a bit of a journey. I had a lot of fun building it. Many of the cards took individual trips to my local card shops. I was fortunate to have access to three locations. It was a good excuse for me to get out of the house and just go for a drive, so there's some sentimental value in that sense. As you can tell, it's not a super competitive deck considering many of the cards that have been included are based on personal preference. I chose not to include the degenerate cards such as Contamination, Stasis, Humility, etc. They're not very fun and attract too much hate. I tried to get a little bit of a Hanna theme going because I love Hanna and I own a promo version of her, so you bet I'm gonna include her. The final touches to this deck was my favorite part. I recently bought an Eternal Masters box, and had some of the most amazing pulls. At least 4 of the 6 awesome chases were included in this deck; Force of Will, Wasteland, Vampiric Tutor, and Mana Crypt(foil). The best part about this deck is that I don't think it will ever be finished. I'm currently hunting down alternate versions of cards that I like just to add a bit of bling to my deck. Who knows, maybe I'll be a bit more ambitious and try to get my hands on an Underground Sea and such in the future.

Posted 05 July 2016 at 16:33 as a comment on MegaZurd
