im not gunna cast the commander ever look at the deck
this deck is pretty good im just curious as to why there is no mana leak b/c it's an obvious 4 of in control xD
yea bsz would be a sideboard card for me ill edit the deck with a sideboard
well why not have tezzeret lol? tezzeret makes ur necropede a 5/5/activate inkmoth make it a 5/5...his plus 1 lets u dig through ur deck which is great for control
cant do that throws my curve off
looks like somebody watched some SCGBalt
obviously to make it faster and spennd 4 grand u can add mox opal,ruby,diamond,sapphire,jet and a black lotus ;d
what he said ;)
i think you should consider browbeat and ball lightning
i changed it a bit to make it standard although otherwise id want to leave at least 4 fetch lands in there simply b/c they thin your deck out. After your suggestions here what i changed -4 ornithopter -4 arid mesa -4 scalding tarn -4 lightning bolt -2 mox opal +4 contested warzone(forgot about this card ty) +3 spikeshot elder +3 hero of oxid ridge +4 goblin grenade +4 mountain
dosen't make sense to me why you only have 2 dark ritual and 2 hexmage if thats your combo they should be 4ofs
yea I love good old broken cards...rootwalla is a great card for this deck and a 1 drop mana creature is never bad thx for ur suggestions and yes its too bad magic has to ban all the good fun combos
if ur going with 4 burn spells play volt charge over galvanic blast
i'd play the elvish archdruids over priest they do the same thing and they give ur elfs +1 +1, and at least 2-3 ezuri's. lets think about ezuri 4 a second for 5 mana all ur elfs get overun...with 1-2 archdruids down and all ur tokens u can stack ezuri's ability 3-4 hey mabe 5 times which = +15 +15 trampling elfs O.O. doubling season is no doubt awesome in this deck just too expensive for my elfs since i like to win on turn 4-5 xD overall pretty good man srry double
this deck looks good sad to see LB going out of standard :(. This is my RDW deck ive made still testing it for a tournament coming up have a look and comment please
id suggest using leyline of anticipation...
in my opinion u should try and stick with one or the other mill/control or a stompy...i dont think theyll work well together
took 9 draws to get it in the sample hand xD