
2 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

This is a type 2 decks for starters, I'm running the Wraths cause I've already got oblivion rings for planeswalkers and such so it doesnt hurt to run em. Maxed out tutors would not be good and 3 Korlash is plenty.

Posted 26 January 2008 at 06:08 as a comment on Korlashs Wrath


Really needs a 4th tarfire and 4 incinerates. um im running a similar deck and hostility makes this deck run smooth.
assuming they have liitle or no creatures to block : Cast hostility with the soulstroke for 2, then cast like 2 tarfires or a tarfire and an incinerate the damage from the spells and the hostility would be like 27 points of damage for like 5 mana.

Posted 24 January 2008 at 04:35 as a comment on Flamekins


Well let me start by saying the deck also runs 3 Liliana Vess but for some reason it wont let me add them to this list. Anyway Dread and Tombstalker are not exactly small but through the aid of the tutor, liliana, the beacon, and returning dead or sacrificed Korlashs with profane command Korlash will be a recurring force to be feared, he is virtually impossible to be gotten rid of with out the aid of spells that remove cards from the game.

Posted 24 January 2008 at 04:22 as a comment on Korlashs Wrath
