Are you a blue mage that's tired of being hated for counterspells and control? Do you like playing black and red with all their kill spells but want to branch out into other colors? Do you just want to see your opponent's jaw hit the floor as they see something completely unexpected?
If the answer to any of those is yes, take a gander at this very unusual deck. It's all blue, but sure doesn't feel like it....
Sure, there are still some blue staples here: countermagic, card draw, and especially bounce are all big parts of this deck's overall strategy. But there's much more to it than that.
This deck is a targeted kill deck. It thins out your opponent's creatures in a way you'd expect more of black or red, with half a dozen cards that start with "Destroy target creature." And they're only 1 CMC instants, at that! And you've got another two that "exile X target creatures", for the cost of only two blue mana in addition to the X.
Of course, there's a bit of a catch, because all of those cards (Pongify, its direct descendant Rapid Hybridization, and Curse of the Swine) replace the destroyed/exiled creatures with 2/2 or 3/3 green token creatures. Those can still be a serious threat.
But not for long with this deck. Ratchet Bomb and three cards so underused you've probably never even heard of them--Echoing Truth, Hibernation, and Linessa, Zephyr Mage--can wipe those tokens off the field. No muss, no fuss.
Get even more uses out of Pongify, Hybridization, and Swine by flashing in Snapcaster Mage, and get use out of them even in your graveyard by putting a Runechanter's Pike on one of your unblockable creatures. Invisible Stalker + Pike? Yes, please!
Those unblockables are your real wincon. Stalker and Flitterstep Eidolon can pick away or take chunks with a Pike, but your real beater is Hunted Phantasm. Like the other tokens you're creating for the opponent, the big drawback of all those Goblins he gives the opponent won't be around for long! And if the game drags, Bident of Thassa and Arm with Æther give you some very nice benefits to that constant combat damage.
The sideboard has some hard counters and some ways to deal with mass creatures (Ætherize and Dissipation Field for aggro, more Hibernation which is especially nice if you're facing green, and Permafrost Trap, which you should trigger often with your green token generators). Glaring Spotlight helps lift the veil on creatures you normally couldn't target with your kill spells.
I've been playing this deck for a little while, and removed the original Blighted Agent in favor of Flitterstep Eidolon. I just rarely got enough poison racked up from Agent and found myself wishing for more regular damage instead. It has certainly flopped a few times, but for the most part, the strategy has worked like a charm. Ratchet Bomb especially has been an all-star. And NOBODY ever sees the strategy coming. Try it out and see what you think!