I see... still maybe combine 3 of each? (you can always flashback think twice in case you mill it as well). Maybe put duress on SB...
I would definitely go after a play set of hellriders to switch the 2 rubbebelt riders simply because of haste and assured damage. Domri rade also helps a lot, works both as removal and speeds up creatures. (you can make 2 creatures fight after you have bloodrushed one of yours).Another nice addition (but rather expensive) is boros reckoner (you would have to work a little your lands to put it in).
he can always bloodrush the ghor-clan rampagers in response to the trigger, if he has enough creatures it will be massive damage enough to kill in one blow.
why don't you switch Thought Scour with think twice? It can trigger snipe's ability twice and you also get card advantage.