UPDATE: Got all of the cards that I needed to update this deck. 3x Skirsdag, 2x Stab Wounds, 3x Whispersilks, 2x Wall of Bone. It is the first deck that I've got now to actually compete against my Goblin Deck. Good lookin out!
I like this suggestion. I am going to research it a bit more and check it out. Also, the Creepy Doll is definitely the oddball. I found the card in my collection while I was making the deck and decided I wanted to use it haha.Thank you for the suggestion!
Nice. I have a rat deck listed on mine you can check out. Works well!
This is pretty awesome! I've never seen any Ninja cards before. How does it fare? Weaknesses?
Hahaha okay, now I feel like a jerk. Lol it is pretty good though, it's flows well, especially when I get some Slumlords out.
Nice. Yeah I am newish to Magic, only been playing for a couple months. Just ordered quite a few of your suggested cards. Check back on this in a week or two and let me know what you think of the current build. Not copying you completely.
I can't tell if your entire comment is sarcasm or not. I feel like 23 lands is plenty for the majority of this deck. And more creatures?? The only thing I would possibly want to add would be 2x Ogre Slumlords to make it a total of 4, and 3x Typhoid Rats, but I feel like it's set up pretty good as is. We're playing after work, I'll let you know.